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This is how the stern Foundation was able to help this year thanks to your donation

In 2023, the stern Foundation was once again able to support projects all over the world - and on our doorstep. We say: Thank you for your help!

At the beginning of February, people in Antakya, Turkey, wait on the ruins of their homes
At the beginning of February, people in Antakya, Turkey, wait on the ruins of their homes destroyed by the

Projects worldwide - This is how the stern Foundation was able to help this year thanks to your donation

On the night of February 5-6, a devastating earthquake struck south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria. More than 56,000 people lost their lives and at least two million were left homeless. Reporters from stern, who arrived in the region shortly afterwards, met people sitting apathetically next to their dead relatives. Readers donated more than 120,000 euros. Among other things, this enabled us to support the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), which treated thousands of people in the hospitals it helps to run in Syria. Their mobile teams were also out and about in the tent cities of the homeless.

Learning coaching for primary school pupils

The new Pisa study has once again shown that children from socially disadvantaged families or with a migration background have a hard time in German schools. Many are lagging behind in the subject matter - partly because they did not receive sufficient support in homeschooling during the coronavirus pandemic. They often can't read fluently because they don't know the letters, but their math skills are also lacking. Many have difficulty concentrating and some are disruptive in class.

This is where the "Arche" children's and youth welfare organization's project comes in: a learning coach works individually with primary school pupils at disadvantaged schools. The first learning coaching program started in 2022 at a school in Berlin-Marzahn. Thanks to the support of the stern foundation and the RTL telethon, 859,000 euros were raised. Even more children are now benefiting from this: learning coaches have also been active in Osnabrück, Potsdam and Herne since this year, and the fifth is due to start in Meißen in February 2024. The coaching takes place individually or in groups, most of them come twice a week, with 25 to 30 children each time. The focus is on the third and fourth grades in order to catch up before they move on to secondary school. After just a few weeks, the girls and boys develop self-confidence because their grades improve - they enjoy learning again.

A solid roof over their heads

The number of homeless people in Germany is rising. There are currently 447,000 people living in emergency accommodation, including children and young people. Around 40,000 young adolescents are homeless and living on the streets. There are many reasons for this: poverty, rising rents, scarce living space, stress in the family. Many experience violence. In Berlin, the association Straßenkinder e. V. is a contact point for children and young people. Here they not only get fresh laundry and a warm drink, but also help from street workers.

The organization currently looks after 466 children and young people. "The need is growing. We are particularly concerned about hidden homelessness. Housing is becoming unaffordable for many," says Eckhard Baumann, Managing Director of Straßenkinder e. V. The association is also supported by donations from the stern foundation. This year, the foundation stone was laid for the "Butze" in Berlin-Lichtenberg. By 2025, a meeting place with around 40 places to live and sleep, a warming room and offices for social and legal advice is to be built here. A unique project in Germany.

A new school in Kinakoni

The roofs were in danger of collapsing. The walls were crumbling, benches and tables were almost collapsing and the kitchen was a simple shed with a fireplace. The 250 pupils had to learn in very difficult conditions. This was the state of the elementary school in Kinakoni, a village in south-eastern Kenya, whose people have been working with stern and Welthungerhilfe to find new solutions to hunger since the fall of 2021. Over the past few months, the buildings have been renovated from the ground up. The parents helped with this. They shaped the bricks and built new latrines. A computer room has also been set up. This is because most of the pupils lack any experience with digital technology.

Part of the project's concept is to bring ideas from big cities like Nairobi to the countryside. With the help of the laptops, the children are to experience the digital awakening that has swept through many African cities. In the school garden next door, they are taught about the knowledge gained from the work on the Kinakoni test field.

Helping where the need is greatest

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