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This is Donald Trump's grandchild

Donald Trump wants to be US-President again. The Republicans rely on emotions and let his granddaughter Kai speak.

Donald Trump's granddaughter Kai at the US Republicans' conference.
Donald Trump's granddaughter Kai at the US Republicans' conference.

Kai Trump - This is Donald Trump's grandchild

Donald Trump (78), the 45th President of the United States of America, wants to be re-elected as the President of the USA in 2024. During the Republican Party convention, the "Grand Old Party" seems to be trying to present the entrepreneur and politician as close to the people as possible. Kai Trump (17), the eldest granddaughter of the former President, gave a speech on the stage, which was also broadcast on US TV.

Golfer and Granddaughter of a "Normal Grandpa" Gives First Speech

"Hello everyone, my name is Kai Madison Trump. I am the granddaughter of Donald Trump", she began her short speech, which was also broadcast on US TV. Kai was born in May 2007 and is the eldest daughter of Donald Trump Jr. (46) and his former wife Vanessa Trump (46), who have been divorced since 2018. She has four siblings: Donald John, Tristan Milos, Spencer Frederick, and Chloe Sophia.

Approximately nine months ago, the 17-year-old announced that she was considering becoming a professional golfer. She allegedly showed an interest in golf at the age of just two. On Instagram, where she primarily shares golf-related content, Kai Trump already has over 165,000 followers. In March, she also posted a picture there showing her with her grandfather Donald, after she claimed to have won a golf tournament.

In her father's first public speech on a stage, Kai declared that she was speaking there "to share the side of my grandfather that people don't often see. For me, he's just a normal grandpa." Donald Trump gives them sweets when their parents aren't looking - and he always wants to know how things are going in school.

She insists she is a Trump

Wearing a white evening gown, the young Trump made it clear that she was indeed a Trump. While golfing, she refuses to let him spoil her, something he is always surprised by: "But I have to remind him that I'm a Trump too." Her grandfather is "a great inspiration" and she loves him. The media allegedly portray the controversial politician in a false light, but she knows the real Trump: "He's very caring and loving." And of course, the contentious politician wants only the best for the USA.

The reactions to the appearance were, as expected, mixed. While some saw the performance as a highlight of the US Republican Party convention and wrote of a touching speech, others mocked it. One user even bet that Trump didn't even know his granddaughter's name or birthday. Another user thought the face of Kai Trump seen on TV was that of someone desperately trying to convey "Help me."

  1. Kai Trump, a granddaughter of the former US-President Donald Trump, expressed her closeness to her grandfather during the Republican Party congress, stating, "For me, he's just a normal grandpa."
  2. Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of the 45th President, has four siblings with his ex-wife Vanessa Trump, including their eldest daughter Kai Trump.
  3. The eldest granddaughter of Donald Trump, Kai Madison Trump, is considering a career in golf, having shown interest in the sport since she was just two years old.
  4. The Republican Party is actively trying to present Donald Trump as approachable during the party congress, with Kai Trump giving a speech highlighting her grandfather's softer side.
  5. Kai Trump, the granddaughter of the 45th US-President, declared during her speech at the Republican Party convention that her grandfather, Donald Trump, is a great inspiration and a very caring and loving person.

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