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This Christmas present will never be forgotten

Wincent Weiss remembers his best Christmas present and reveals his plans for the most wonderful time of the year.

Wincent Weiss gave free rein to his creativity for his first Christmas
Wincent Weiss gave free rein to his creativity for his first Christmas

Wincent Weiss - This Christmas present will never be forgotten

Around three weeks before Christmas Eve, Wincent Weiss (30) remembers his best Christmas present in an interview with the news agency spot on news - a mountain bike that he received when he was young. "I lived in a small village (Eutin in Schleswig-Holstein, editor's note) where the bus ran once a day. If you weren't yet 18 years old and didn't have a car or scooter, you were trapped in this village ... dependent on your parents to drive you," says the 30-year-old. When the bike appeared under the Christmas tree, it was the "biggest stroke of freedom" for him. "I could ride to friends, to soccer, to school."

How the singer celebrates Christmas

Today, he mainly gives his family "gifts of time". Spending time with his family is also very important to Weiss outside of the holidays. "We always plan a family day. This can be an activity or a trip that we then experience together with my grandparents," says the "Unter meiner Haut" performer. The Christmas party takes place every year in the grandparents' cellar. There is a large table and traditionally raclette for dinner. Another tradition: "the colorful plate". "My grandfather buys tons of sweets - a whole shopping cart full. He prepares big, colorful plates with heaps of sweets for us. It's about three times the size of a normal plate."

With mulled wine in the studio

Weiss began writing his own songs for his first Christmas album back in spring. With the release of "Wincents Weisse Weihnachten" on December 1, a long-cherished dream has come true for him. He has produced a total of 15 of his own songs with his team. To get into the Christmas spirit, the studio was decorated accordingly. "We made it Christmassy in the spring and summer," reports the musician - including a Christmas tree, cookies and mulled wine.

"I wish I had more self-discipline next year"

As much as Weiss appreciates his time in the studio and on Germany's stages, he also wishes for "a little more self-discipline in 2024 so that I can say 'no' more, find peace and quiet and spend more time in private." For the singer, holidays like Christmas in particular are a time to focus on family, love and the positive things in the year. And what about resolutions for the new year? "I think I'm like most people: I live very healthily for the first month of the year, exercise a lot and by February at the latest, everything is thrown out again. That's what I'm going to resolve to do this time: lead a healthier and fitter life."

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. During the interview, Wincent Weiss reminisced about a Christmas present he cherished as a child – a mountain bike that provided him with a significant degree of freedom in his small hometown of Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein, as public transportation was limited.
  2. Weiss shared that he enjoys giving his family "gifts of time" during Christmas, and that he often spends quality time with his grandparents, gathering for a lively celebration in the grandparents' cellar each year, filled with festive decorations and traditional raclette.
  3. In preparation for his first Christmas album, titled "Wincents Weisse Weihnachten," the singer completed 15 of his own songs in the studio, ensuring the space was festive with a decorated Christmas tree, cookies, and mulled wine to create the perfect atmosphere.
  4. As Wincent Weiss reflects on his musical achievements and the success of his Christmas album, he expresses a desire for "more self-discipline in 2024," hoping to maintain balance in his career and personal life, including leading a healthier lifestyle and practicing self-care during the new year.
  5. The 30-year-old singer celebrated the release of his Christmas album in the heart of Schleswig-Holstein, the region that had provided him with some of his fondest childhood memories, including the freedom given by his beloved mountain bike on Saint's Eve.




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