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Thirty-five fighter jets infiltrate Taiwan's air protection area.

China combats secession.

The start of the maneuver was announced on a large screen in Beijing.
The start of the maneuver was announced on a large screen in Beijing.

Thirty-five fighter jets infiltrate Taiwan's air protection area.

China is conducting a massive military exercise to deter Taiwan from achieving formal independence. Nearly 50 fighter planes are flying toward the island nation, and more than 20 ships are demonstrating China's power.

In the course of its two-day military drill serving as a "punishment" for Taiwan, China has deployed the largest number of fighter jets this year towards the East Asian island nation. Over the past 24 hours, 49 of these aircraft have been spotted in the region, according to the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense in Taipei.

A total of 35 of these aircraft crossed the center line in the Taiwan Strait between Taiwan and China and entered the Taiwanese air defense zone, while 19 Chinese naval vessels and seven Chinese coast guard ships were also sighted, as per the same statement.

Beijing initiated a large-scale military exercise on Taiwan's coastline on Thursday, aiming to discourage Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te from pursuing the island's formal separation from China. Additionally, China made ominous threats against Taiwanese independence supporters, stating that they would face bloody consequences. A Chinese military spokesperson indicated that these military exercises were a test of their capacity to seize control over the self-governed island.

The Chinese government considers Taiwan to be a part of its territory, despite the presence of independent and democratically elected administrations there for several decades. China has previously warned that it plans to annex the island with a population of over 23 million by force, if necessary.

The Chinese military claims that the purpose of this maneuver is to hone its naval and aerial combat readiness while testing its ability to strike crucial targets. Vessels and aircraft will approach Taiwan from the north, south, and east for "patrols" and draw near to various islands, such as Kinmen, which is just a few kilometers away from the mainland. The Taiwan Strait is approximately 130 kilometers wide at its narrowest point.

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In response to Taiwan's perceived moves towards independence, China has escalated its military actions, with 35 fighter aircraft crossing into Taiwan's air defense zone during its exercises. These Chinese fighter jets, along with numerous naval vessels, are part of Beijing's larger strategy to assert its sovereignty over Taiwan.




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