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They get married again in Las Vegas

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and his wife Jools tied the knot again on their 24th wedding anniversary in Las Vegas.

Jools and Jamie Oliver celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary on June 24.
Jools and Jamie Oliver celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary on June 24.

Jamie and Jools Oliver - They get married again in Las Vegas

On June 24, 2000, Jamie Oliver (49) gave his partner Jools Norton (49) his consent. Twenty-four years later, the couple renewed their vows. They got married again in the Graceland Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas, with an Elvis Presley impersonator officiating. Oliver shared pictures from the ceremony on his Instagram account.

In the photos, he is seen in a gray suit and pilot glasses, while his wife wears jeans, cowboy boots, and a blouse with spikes, as well as a veil. They are smiling with the Elvis impersonator. Oliver accompanied the post with pictures from their first wedding, where an Elvis double was also present. "Happy 24th wedding anniversary, Jools. 24 years! I love you - Las Vegas, Baby!", he commented on his post.

"There are three people in this marriage"

Jools Oliver seems to have a fondness for Elvis Presley (1935-1977). She shared a video with photos from the party on her own Instagram account. "Thank you for letting me share my love for Elvis with you. I know that in this marriage there are three people. But you ignite me like no one else!", she wrote. Her husband might be excited about "what I have planned for our 25th".

For the couple, it is now their third time standing at the altar. Last year, they renewed their vows on their wedding anniversary, with their children Poppy (21), Daisy (20), Petal (14), Buddy (12), and River (7) present at the beach in the Maldives.

"It was my wife's idea, and I just went along with it. Speaking the vows again meant more - it's something you deserve, not just something you say", Jamie Oliver explained on the "Graham Norton Show" after the ceremony. The ceremony was very romantic, and he enjoyed it "more than all the others."

  • Jools Oliver's affection for Elvis Presley was evident in the renewal of her and Jamie Oliver's vows in Las Vegas, as an Elvis impersonator officiated the ceremony.
  • Jools Oliver expressed her love for Elvis Presley on her Instagram account, stating, "I know that in this marriage there are three people. But you ignite me like no one else!"
  • On the Graham Norton Show, Jamie Oliver shared that their recent wedding renewal was his wife's idea and that speaking the vows again held a deeper meaning for him.
  • In addition to their Las Vegas wedding renewal, Jools Oliver and Jamie Oliver renewed their vows last year on their wedding anniversary at a beach in the Maldives, surrounded by their children.
  • Despite having renewed their vows three times, Jamie Oliver expressed that the Las Vegas ceremony was more romantic and enjoyable than the others.

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