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These women are doing it with Bohlen this time

The new DSDS jury is in place

Gets female support again at DSDS: Dieter
Gets female support again at DSDS: Dieter

These women are doing it with Bohlen this time

Next year, "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" will enter its 21st round. It is already clear that Pietro Lombardi and, of course, Dieter Bohlen will once again be part of the jury. But they will also be joined by female support - and twice over.

Dieter Bohlen and Pietro Lombardi were already set, now the complete jury for the 21st season of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" (DSDS) has been confirmed. As RTL announced, pop singer Beatrice Egli and rapper Loredana will also be taking part next year. In the 20th edition of DSDS, singer Leony and rapper Katja Krasavice sat next to Bohlen and Lombardi.

Both from Switzerland: Loredana (l.) and Beatrice Egli.

As different as Egli and Loredana are musically, they do have one thing in common: they were both born in Switzerland.

Egli is quoted by RTL as saying that she wanted to demonstrate her "respect" and "gratitude" to DSDS with her participation. After all, the show remains the "origin" of her career. The now 35-year-old won the 13th season of the show in 2013 and then hit the ground running in the music business. She is now looking forward to "finding the next talent on DSDS in 2024 together with my compatriot Loredana, Pietro and Dieter", she explains.

"The perfect start"

She also wants to give something back by taking part in the jury, says Loredana. "I owe a lot to music," says the 28-year-old. It taught her that "you can achieve anything if you believe in yourself and work hard". The daughter of Kosovan parents is certain that DSDS is "the perfect introduction for talented artists to start a career in music".

"I've known Beatrice and Loredana personally for a long time and I like them both very much," explains Pietro Lombardi. The two of them "made our round perfect", says the 2011 DSDS winner. "Both are very successful and know how the music business works."

RTL Program Director Inga Leschek also raves about the two new signings. "With Beatrice Egli and Loredana, we were able to win two very successful representatives of their respective music genres for the DSDS jury," she explains. Egli has "made modern pop hits socially acceptable on DSDS and established herself as a presenter". Loredana is one of the "most popular German rappers".

No more "stupid age limit"

In addition to Beatrice Egli and Loredana's involvement, there will be another innovation in 2024: there will no longer be an upper age limit. People over the age of 30 can now also apply.

A victory for Dieter Bohlen, who had long fought against the "stupid age limit". "Anyone aged 16 and over can come and that will provide plenty of surprises," says the head judge happily. He continues: "I'm looking forward to all the talent, people who have practiced for years to show me what they can do. I'll be honest: I'm also looking forward to those who haven't practiced enough."

It all starts on December 16. That's when the Germany-wide casting tour starts in Cologne. A broadcast date for the new DSDS episodes is not yet known. From the fourth season onwards, all editions have always started in January. However, Dieter Bohlen has already revealed that it will be "a little later" this time.

  1. In the upcoming season of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar," Dieter Bohlen and Pietro Lombardi will be joined by pop singer Beatrice Egli and rapper Loredana in the jury, bringing a diverse musical perspective.
  2. Swiss-born Beatrice Egli, a former winner of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar," expressed her gratitude for the show's role in her career and is excited to find the next talent alongside Loredana, Pietro, and Bohlen.
  3. Loredana, who has a successful career in rap and is the daughter of Kosovan parents, shares Beatrice's enthusiasm for the show, believing that DSDS serves as the perfect platform for aspiring musicians to launch their careers.
  4. Pietro Lombardi, the 2011 winner of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar," appreciates the addition of Beatrice and Loredana, stating that their involvement makes the jury "perfect" and their experience in the music industry will be invaluable for the contestants.


