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These US stars want Trump to be president

The first TV duel between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is scheduled for today. These US celebrities have outed themselves as ardent Trump supporters.

Among Donald Trump's fans: Caitlyn Jenner, Kid Rock and scandalous rapper Kanye "Ye" West.
Among Donald Trump's fans: Caitlyn Jenner, Kid Rock and scandalous rapper Kanye "Ye" West.

Caitlyn Jenner - These US stars want Trump to be president

In the first TV duel before the US election in November, the two opponents, Donald Trump (78) and Joe Biden (81), will face each other on the night of June 28 (Central European Time). Current polling suggests a tight race between the two candidates, with the debate being seen as the first test run for the heated campaign phase.

In the past few weeks, numerous prominent US stars have publicly expressed their support for President Biden's re-election, including big names like George Clooney (63), Julia Roberts (56), Robert De Niro (80), Barbra Streisand (82), or Lenny Kravitz (60). The list of prominent Trump supporters, on the other hand, reads much less impressively and includes some colorful characters. Here's a look.

Kanye "Ye" West

Despite not choosing Kanye West (47) as his vice presidential candidate for the 2024 US campaign as he had hoped, scandal rapper Kanye West continues to support the former scandal president. According to CBS News, West expressed sympathy for Miami Mayor Francis Suarez (46) as a presidential candidate during the Republican primaries. After Suarez left the race in August 2023 as the first candidate, West switched back to Trump. In an interview with "Donda Times," he confirmed that he still stands with him. In response to the question of whether he still supports Trump, the ex-husband of Kim Kardashian (43) replied with surprise in his voice: "Yes, of course, all day Trump. What are you talking about? You know that, don't you?"

Caitlyn Jenner

Further support from the extended Kardashian clan comes from Caitlyn Jenner (74). The American reality star was known as Bruce Jenner and as the husband of Kris Jenner (68) until 2014, when he underwent gender reassignment. The trans woman is known for her ultra-conservative views and ran unsuccessfully for the office of California governor in 2021. Despite expressing disappointment with Trump's political agenda at one point, she currently expresses her support for another term of the Republican ex-president. In an interview she posted on X on June 17, she openly declares her loyalty to Trump and insists that he is a "Gentleman" and the "nicest guy" one could imagine.

Kid Rock

US singer Kid Rock (53) has been friends with Donald Trump for years and has become one of his most prominent and vocal supporters. In one of his recent posts on the platform X, he referred to Trump as a "Genius" and a friend of the working class, who also cares that no taxes have to be paid on drinking money anymore.

Dennis Quaid and Roseanne Barr

Trump also receives support from several Hollywood stars like the actor Dennis Quaid (70, "The Day After Tomorrow") and his colleague Roseanne Barr (71, "Roseanne"). In an interview with Trump friend Piers Morgan (59), Quaid declared a few weeks ago: "They call him an asshole, but he's my asshole." Roseanne Barr is also known for years as a fervent Trump supporter. According to Newsweek, the actress, who was suspended in 2018 over racist comments, had a gun signed by her idol in May of this year.

Here you can watch the TV duel Trump vs. Biden

The American audience can watch the TV duel between Trump and Biden live at CNN on today's 27th of June (local time). Of course, the political back-and-forth will also be experienced live worldwide. For the German audience, the debate can be followed from 3:00 am onwards on Phoenix in free-TV or in the Phoenix-Live-Stream in the ARD Mediathek. In addition, the news channels N-TV and Welt (formerly N24) offer a livestream.

  1. In addition to George Clooney and Julia Roberts, fellow US stars like Robert De Niro, Barbra Streisand, and Lenny Kravitz have publicly endorsed Joe Biden's re-election bid.
  2. Kanye West, despite not being chosen as a vice presidential candidate, continues to support Donald Trump, expressing sympathy for Miami Mayor Francis Suarez as a presidential candidate during the Republican primaries.
  3. After Suarez left the race, West switched back to Trump, confirming his support in an interview with "Donda Times."
  4. Caitlyn Jenner, known for her ultra-conservative views, has expressed her support for another term of the Republican ex-president despite previously expressing disappointment with Trump's political agenda.
  5. US singer Kid Rock has been a vocal Trump supporter, referring to him as a "Genius" and a friend of the working class.
  6. Dennis Quaid and Roseanne Barr, both Hollywood stars, have been outspoken Trump supporters, with Quaid declaring him as "my asshole" in an interview.
  7. Scandalous rapper Kanye West's support for Trump has been consistent, even amidst criticism and backlash.
  8. Kanye West's former wife, Kim Kardashian, while not publicly endorsing Trump, has been linked to his support, due to their shared past.
  9. Despite the support from several stars, Trump's list of prominent supporters is less impressive compared to Biden, according to some reports.
  10. During the 2021 California gubernatorial elections, Caitlyn Jenner, known for her ultra-conservative views, ran unsuccessfully for governor, expressing support for another term of Trump.
  11. Celebrities like Kid Rock and Dennis Quaid have been friends and vocal supporters of Trump, contributing to the diversity of his support base in the US election campaign.

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