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These are the streaming tips for the week

What's worth streaming in the near future, including Bradley Cooper's musician biography "Maestro".

Carey Mulligan and Bradley Cooper arrive at a special screening of "Maestro" at the Academy
Carey Mulligan and Bradley Cooper arrive at a special screening of "Maestro" at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles.

Media - These are the streaming tips for the week

From the concert hall to outer space: a selection of offers that are worth streaming:

The movie with a nose: "Maestro"

Even before its release, there was excitement surrounding Bradley Cooper's second directorial project. His first film, "A Star is Born" with Lady Gaga, was highly praised by many critics and nominated for numerous awards. His second work is another star-studded drama on a grand scale.

"Maestro" tells the story of the life of US star composer Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990). The debate about a prosthetic nose, which Cooper wanted to use to look as much like Bernstein as possible, drew attention to the film. The Netflix drama is a heartfelt homage to his person and music - but above all an emotional love story. Carey Mulligan plays Bernstein's wife, actress Felicia Montealegre, and is in top acting form. Now on Netflix.


Prince and whipping boy:"David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived"

The film tells the story of stuntman David Holmes, a teenage gymnast from England. Holmes is chosen to play Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double in the first "Harry Potter" film when Daniel is just eleven years old. Over the following ten years, the two develop a close friendship. In the penultimate film, a tragic accident on set leads to David being paralyzed by a serious spinal injury, turning his world upside down.

The film features personal footage, behind-the-scenes footage of Holmes' stunt work, scenes from his current life and personal interviews with Holmes, Radcliffe, friends and family. "David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived" will be available in the original version with German subtitles on Sky and the streaming service Wow from December 24. The dubbed version will be launched on Sky Documentaries and Wow on February 23, 2024.


Zack Snyder's space saga "Rebel Moon"

The film has been available on the Netflix streaming service since Friday. The first film in the series, "Child of Fire", begins with a woman stranded on a distant moon: Kora (Sofia Boutella), a quiet stranger with a mysterious past, plans a new life in a peaceful settlement of farmers. Soon she is their only hope: for the tyrant Balisarius (Fra Fee) and his cruel emissary, Admiral Noble (Ed Skrein), discover that the farmers have unwittingly sold their crops to the Bloodaxes (Cleopatra Coleman and Ray Fisher).

The Bloodaxes are the leaders of a group of rebels who are being hunted by the rulers. And soon fierce battles break out in which a motley group of rebels must face the dark superiority.


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