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There's speculation about a Hollywood drug circle potentially supplying ketamine to actor Matthew Perry.

Medical professionals and establishments implicated

The Beloved 'Friends' actor's Image of Purity Was Called into Question Following His Demise.
The Beloved 'Friends' actor's Image of Purity Was Called into Question Following His Demise.

There's speculation about a Hollywood drug circle potentially supplying ketamine to actor Matthew Perry.

Yearly ago, "Friends" actor Matthew Perry allegedly passed away in his pool after allegedly consuming Ketamine for a prolonged period. Two medical professionals are currently under trial for this case. Could these medical professionals be part of a broader Hollywood drug syndicate that caters to celebrities with illegal substances?

At present, five individuals, including two doctors, are facing trial. The accusation against them is that they supplied Ketamine to Matthew Perry for several months, which he used before his unfortunate demise in October 2023. According to media outlets, these doctors might face lengthy imprisonment terms up to ten years, as they reportedly administered the highly hazardous anesthetic without any medical justification.

As per celebrity news site "TMZ", the two doctors on trial may just be the tip of the iceberg in Hollywood. According to their reports, there exists an intricate web of criminal doctors procuring illicit substances for wealthy celebrities residing in Los Angeles. In a documentary titled "TMZ Investigates Matthew Perry and the Secret Celebrity Drug Ring," it is disclosed that the two doctors are not solitary instances but are rather linked to a sophisticated, undetected celebrity drug cartel.

The entire documentary will be aired on Fox on Monday. In the documentary, celebrities such as Kelly Osbourne express their concerns about doctors issuing prescriptions to prominent drug addicts in exchange for money. She describes it as a vast, multimillion-dollar enterprise. Brandon Novak, the "Jackass" star and former addict, corroborates this scenario, stating he obtained drugs from doctor's offices for money. Even full-fledged rehab centers are supposedly involved in this network.

Matthew Perry was reportedly injecting Ketamine daily before his demise

Perry openly addressed his substance abuse issues in his 2022 memoir. At the age of 18, he was dependent on alcohol. He then progressed to consuming substantial amounts of tablets, including Oxycodone and Xanax. In the 1990s, he experienced severe physical complications and underwent 14 surgeries, including ones on his pancreas and intestines.

During his most challenging phase, following the conclusion of the successful series "Friends" in 2003, he was reportedly consuming up to 55 opioid pills a day. Over the years, he had completed 64 detox programs, attended 15 rehabs, was in psychiatric care, and attended around 6000 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Despite this, he was publically perceived to be clean in recent years. However, post his death it was revealed that his supposed clean image was misleading: The prosecution alleges that in September 2023, Perry asked his assistant to obtain Ketamine for him. His assistant confirmed in a statement that Perry was injecting himself with Ketamine six to eight times a day before his demise.

The documentary "TMZ Investigates Matthew Perry and the Secret Celebrity Drug Ring" suggests that the two doctors on trial are not isolated cases, but part of a larger, undetected celebrity drug cartel. Matthew Perry, according to the prosecution, was injecting Ketamine daily before his demise in October 2023, despite his public image of being clean in recent years.

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