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Therefore, her pregnancy is a wonder

Birthe Wolter, the 'Red Rose' star, is pregnant after a long unfulfilled wish for a child - at 42, despite Endometriosis.

Birthe Wolter is expecting her first child.
Birthe Wolter is expecting her first child.

Birthe Wolter - Therefore, her pregnancy is a wonder

Birthe Wolter frequently spoke about her unfulfilled longing for a child in the past, but it has finally worked out: The actress is pregnant for the first time - and that at the age of 42 and despite Endometriosis. Her best friend, moderator Jochen Schropp (45), shared the news already in early June in an Instagram post and also revealed the unusual name of the yet unborn child: Momme. In an interview with the magazine "Bunte", they now talk about the joy of the pregnancy.

Birthe Wolter did not want artificial insemination

Birthe Wolter first learned about the diagnoses of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis in a fertility clinic. A harsh diagnosis for Wolter: "Because my longing for a child was so extreme." "The doctors told me that I would have a hard time conceiving children. And even with the support of the fertility clinic", so the 42-year-old. She knew, "artificial insemination is not my way". She didn't want "to be a woman who is chronically frustrated or despairing over her life".

That the pregnancy has now succeeded naturally seems like a coincidence to Wolter and Schropp: "When Birthe wanted to get pregnant with her former partner, our relationship was no longer as balanced as at the beginning", says Schropp. "I was therefore not sure if he was the right partner. I am undergoing spiritual training and believe that there is a spiritual guidance that watches over us. And that's why I also believe that there is a reason why it's happening now." He is "totally happy with the person I'm having a child with".

The pregnant woman also reports that the pregnancy had announced itself spiritually in advance: At the beginning of the year, she had drawn Tarot cards and "above all cards with the symbolism 'Harvest time' or 'Queen' had come up". "My friend had then already said, 'Birthe, you're pregnant', but I had dismissed it as nonsense at first."

Jochen Schropp is to be the godfather

Jochen Schropp and his husband Norman (37) have been important pillars of support for Wolter and Schropp for a long time, and Wolter and Schropp had even considered having a child together. It seems to have worked out naturally for Wolter and her partner - and Jochen Schropp is to be the godfather. He was also the first person to find out about the pregnancy: "He knew it before the father did", so Wolter.

Her partner is "totally" on board that Schropp is always number one in her life. "Even with the name Momme for our unborn son, he knew that was Jochen's and my name. We had given it to our unborn son long ago", explains Wolter.

Birthe Wolter expressed her gratitude towards Jochen Schropp for sharing the pregnancy news on Instagram, as it reached a wider audience. The unique name of their unborn child, Momme, was also revealed in Schropp's Instagram post.

Birthe Wolter's partner supported her decision to not pursue artificial insemination, believing in spiritual guidance that led to the successful pregnancy. He is also set to be the godfather of their child, having been the first to learn about the pregnancy.

Jochen Schropp's husband, Norman, has been a significant source of support for both Wolter and her partner during their journey towards pregnancy. Their friends had even considered having a child together in the past.

The news of Birthe Wolter's pregnancy triggered a spiritual stance for Wolter, as Tarot cards she drew earlier in the year depicted 'Harvest time' or 'Queen', symbolizing motherhood.

Rosen, a common name for red roses, holds a special place in Birthe Wolter's and Jochen Schropp's lives. They had previously chosen 'Momme' as a name for their unborn son, which held significance for Schropp.

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