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The United States imposes penalties on the speaker of the Ugandan parliament.

Engaging in corrupt activities

USA imposes sanctions against Ugandan parliamentary speaker
USA imposes sanctions against Ugandan parliamentary speaker

The United States imposes penalties on the speaker of the Ugandan parliament.

The American government has chosen to impose restrictions on the Ugandan parliament's speaker and other officials of the country, who are now barred from entering the US. The announcement was made by the US State Department, stating that they had taken necessary actions against Anita Among, a parliament speaker, as they believe she is involved in corruption.

In addition, ex-deputy military chief Peter Elwelu and three ex-ministers were subjected to sanctions for supposedly participating in "extrajudicial killings" by soldiers. Elwelu and the former ministers are additionally suspected of stealing roofing materials.

Anita Among is a prominent member of Uganda's ruling party and an ally of President Yoweri Museveni. Her wealth's origin and the alleged misuse of parliamentary funds are highly scrutinized.

Back in April, Britain had already imposed sanctions on Among due to accusations of corruption. Museveni, in response, ordered an investigation to determine if Among holds a property in Britain without disclosing it to authorities.

Recent disclosures about Among's expenditures have left Ugandans baffled. She denies any wrongdoing and claims that she is being targeted for her part in drafting a law against homosexuals, a move which was criticized by activists.

Museveni, who has been ruling since 1986, is frequently accused of protecting unscrupulous and influential officials from legal action. After being re-elected in 2021, he vowed to combat corruption.

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