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The U.S. government has labeled 225 properties across the country as being utilized by far-right extremists.

Slightly over 7% higher than in 2023

Federal government currently classifies 225 properties nationwide as "used by right-wing...
Federal government currently classifies 225 properties nationwide as "used by right-wing extremists"

The U.S. government has labeled 225 properties across the country as being utilized by far-right extremists.

The government identifies 225 sites across the country as being utilized by right-wing extremists, revealing a seven percent increase compared to last year in response to a parliamentary inquiry posed by the Left Party. 'Welt' disclosed this information on Thursday. These sites are believed to host events like right-wing music gigs, martial arts competitions, gatherings for networking, as well as serving as hubs for mail order services, record businesses, tattoo studios, and publishing houses.

Martina Renner, a member of the parliament for the Left Party, spoke with 'Welt': "For a long time, there's been a continuous growth in the number of properties occupied by neo-Nazis and right-wing radicals in Germany. Such properties act as focal points for right-wing extremism and also serve as essential nodes within their business structures."

The authorities claim that these locations are essential for the "recruiting and bonding functions" of right-wing extremism in Germany. They also play a significant role in financing the extremist scene.

The majority of these properties are found in the eastern parts of the nation: 37 in Saxony, 36 in Saxony-Anhalt, 24 in Thuringia, 21 in both Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg. There are 19 in Bavaria, 16 in each of Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia.

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The Federal Government announced that there was a 7% increase in the number of properties used by right-wing extremists nationwide, reaching 225 sites, with 7% being a significant percentage. This surge in real estate usage has raised concerns about the financial support and recruiting activities of extremist groups.


