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The start date for the new season is here

The start date has finally been set: Jungle Camp will enter its 17th season on January 19, 2024.

Jan Köppen will host alongside Sonja Zietlow for the second time in
Jan Köppen will host alongside Sonja Zietlow for the second time in

Jungle Camp 2024 - The start date for the new season is here

January is jungle time - next year too. "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!" will start its 17th season on Friday, January 19, 2024. This was officially announced by broadcaster RTL on Tuesday. It will kick off with a three-hour live show for the first time in prime time at 8:15 pm. On the second day, Sonja Zietlow (55) and Jan Köppen (40) will also report live from the Australian jungle during prime time, but then only for two hours.

On Sundays, the jungle camp gets in the mood for the NFL

There will be four primetime shows in the new season of "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!". In addition to the broadcasts on the first two days, RTL will also be showing the jungle camp in prime time on both Sundays. But only briefly, as the channel switches from Australia to the USA from 20:55. RTL then broadcasts the playoffs of the National Football League (NFL). The knockout mode in the football league starts a week before the jungle camp, on January 13, 2024.

In addition to the four primetime editions, the live broadcast of "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!" will start every day at 10:15 p.m. as usual.

Jungle Camp 2024: these stars are taking part

RTL has already confirmed two prominent participants in the jungle camp. Heinz Hoenig (72) was announced as the first candidate. The actor from TV multi-part series such as "Der Schattenmann" and "Der König von St. Pauli" is a big name who will be joining the camp. "I've never done anything like jungle camp before," explained Hoenig himself." Why is he taking part? "It's a challenge, I'm keen on it. And that's why I'm going. Period."

The second candidate is Cora Schumacher (46). The racing driver and ex-wife of former Formula 1 driver Ralf Schumacher (48) is "on a journey to find myself". She is "really looking forward to getting to know myself anew". She hopes "that viewers will perhaps get to know me in this way and accompany me on my journey to myself".

Other names circulating are footballer's son Nico Legat (25), "GZSZ" actor Felix von Jascheroff (41) and former "Germany's next Topmodel" contestant Anya Elsner (19).

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