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The singer feels personally attacked

Dark clouds at the Patchwork Sky: Between Pietro Lombardi and Sarah Engels, things are heating up. Therefore, there is a huge fight between the ex-couple.

In 2011, they were still happily in love: Sarah Engels and Pietro Lombardi met each other on...
In 2011, they were still happily in love: Sarah Engels and Pietro Lombardi met each other on 'Germany seeks the superstar'.

Dispute between Sarah Engels & Pietro Lombardi - The singer feels personally attacked

## Pietro Lombardi's Nightmare: A Public Fallout Between Him and Sarah Engels (Days)

A harmless question sticker in Sarah Engels' Instagram Story initiated the current public feud between her and her ex-husband Pietro Lombardi (32). In her Instagram Story, Sarah asked her fans to ask her questions about her current Japan vacation with her husband Julian and their daughter Solea (2). Some fans were curious about why she had traveled to Japan without their son Alessio (9). In response to some critical inquiries, Sarah posted a statement explaining that she would not discuss "such private matters." She mentioned that there are aspects of her life that she chooses to keep private for good reasons. "I hope you understand that I'm acting to protect my family."

Sarah Engels' Vacation Without Alessio

The situation began with a seemingly innocent question sticker in Sarah Engels' Instagram Story, asking her fans to ask her questions about her current Japan vacation with her husband Julian and their daughter Solea (2). Several fans were curious about why she had traveled to Japan without Alessio. In response to some critical inquiries, Sarah posted a statement explaining that she would not discuss "such private matters." She mentioned that there are aspects of her life that she chooses to keep private for good reasons. "I hope you understand that I'm acting to protect my family."

Pietro Lombardi Feels Attacked

Pietro Lombardi perceived Sarah's statement as an attack on his fatherly qualities. He posted several Instagram Stories from their shared vacation with Alessio: "I just want to enjoy time with my son. But what you posted is a personal attack against the father of your child," Pietro told Sarah. "I wish you wanted Alessio to see Julian as a father. Alessio tells me that he calls him Papi. No matter who I'm with in my life, no woman will be called Mami because there is only one Mami, and that's you."

Pietro and his girlfriend Laura Maria Rypa (28) wished nothing but the best for Engels' family. "But the problem is, you don't want it for us," Pietro said. "You hate it when Alessio is here. He tells me more than you think." While he ignored negative comments about Sarah being a bad mother on Instagram, Pietro believed she handled things differently: "Why don't you just answer that question simply with 'Because he's on vacation with his father and having a great time,'" Pietro complained.

Every time something nice happened in his family, Sarah would make negative comments. "Now that Laura is pregnant, which is wonderful for us as a family, and you come with accusations against the father of your child. You don't want us to enjoy the moment, you want your name to be mentioned somewhere." Moreover, Sarah's mother had been trying to tarnish Pietro's reputation as a father for the past seven years. "You would go over dead bodies to harm me."

Julian Engels' Response

Pietro's angry Instagram rant prompted Julian Engels to post a statement in his Story: "Usually I stay out of all this, but in the face of endless lies intended to harm my wife, I want to make it clear: For the past four and a half years, I have always been called Pietro by Alessio, and there was never another option!" Pietro is, without a doubt, the father of Alessio. We have always been respectful towards each other - I'm glad that she keeps our mouths shut."

Sarah Engels shared her fans' reactions to Pietro's accusations from the Japan vacation: "Don't let anyone under your skin who challenges you to war. Be the wiser, the calmer, and stay true to yourself! (...) Justice cannot be fought for - it comes when it deems it right, all by itself."

Pietro Lombardi and Sarah Engels came together in 2011 as part of "Germany's Got Talent". In 2013, they got married and in 2016, they separated. Currently, both have moved on and have new children: Lombardi is expecting his second child with his fiancée Laura Maria Rypa, while Engels has a daughter with her husband Julian Engels.

  1. Following her Instagram post about her Japan vacation, Sarah Engels faced criticism from fans about her decision to leave their son Alessio behind.
  2. In response, Sarah posted a statement explaining that certain aspects of her life were private and she was protecting her family.
  3. Pietro Lombardi, Alessio's father, perceived Sarah's statement as an attack on his fatherly qualities and responded with a series of Instagram posts.
  4. According to Pietro, Sarah often made negative comments whenever something positive happened in his family, leading him to believe she didn't want him to enjoy his time with Alessio.
  5. Julian Engels, Sarah's current husband, defended himself in a post on his Instagram Story, stating that he had always been called Pietro by Alessio and that their relationship had always been respectful.
  6. Pietro Lombardi and Sarah Engels first met on Germany's Got Talent and got married in 2013, but separated in 2016. Since then, both have moved on and have new children: Pietro with his fiancée Laura Maria Rypa and Sarah with Julian Engels.

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