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The Russian Africa Corps engages in battles in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Conflict over resources intensifies

The Russians are gathering their forces for the offensive in Ukraine.
The Russians are gathering their forces for the offensive in Ukraine.

The Russian Africa Corps engages in battles in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

The northeastern region of Ukraine, specifically Kharkiv, is witnessing intense battles. The combats are particularly pervasive in the town of Vovchansk by the border. As per Ukrainian reports, the Russians are incurring significant losses in this area and are pooling together reinforcements from diverse locations - even including troops from Africa.

As per UK estimations, Russia has redeployed soldiers from its African Corps to the frontlines in Ukraine. Over the past few weeks, these troops have been deployed alongside standard Russian forces and units of punishment, as communicated by the British Ministry of Defense on Platform X on Friday.

The African Corps of the Russian Ministry of Defense was formed in December 2023 and has over 2,000 regular soldiers and officers, along with seasoned mercenaries. Many of these mercenaries have previously served in the Wagner Group, as reported by the British. Troops from this Corps probably previously served in Syria, Libya, Burkina Faso, and Niger.

As per the US government, Russian soldiers were sent to a military airfield in Niger, West Africa, in April. Besides military trainers and equipment, there have also been reports of a military deployment in Niger by state broadcaster Télé Sahel.

According to London, Russia had most likely moved units to the Ukrainian border in April in anticipation of this offensive. "It is highly probable that Russia is augmenting its war against Ukraine with resources initially allotted to Africa," the UK disclosed.

Ukraine, on the other hand, asserts it has rebuffed a Russian ground offensive in the eastern region of Kharkiv. "Ukrainian defense forces have stalled the Russian troops in the Kharkiv region and are now counterattacking," the Ukrainian army elucidated in their online networks on Friday. A representative of the General Staff further labeled the situation as "difficult" but "stable and manageable."

"Completely bogged down"

The army chief, Oleksandr Syrskyj, had previously mentioned the halt of the Russian army's advancement in the region of north-eastern Ukraine. In the street skirmishes of Vovchansk, the Russian troops had "completely stagnated and suffered massive casualties among their assault units," Syrskyj disclosed in social networks. Currently, Russia is mobilizing "reserves from various regions" in an endeavor to seize the city, but to no avail, Syrskyj revealed.

Approximately 5 kilometers from the Russian border, Vovchansk has been the central objective of the ground offensive that Russia launched two weeks ago in northern Ukraine. Russia's major territorial advancements since the conclusion of 2022 have been in this sector.

Kharkiv has been among the most affected cities during Russia's two-year-long war of aggression against Ukraine. Bombed persistently from the air - with drones, missiles, and glide bombs, the city with a population of millions has endured constant attacks from the air. Two weeks ago, the Russian armed forces also initiated a ground offensive in the Kharkiv border region. The foremost Russian forces are currently approaching the periphery of the city at a distance of less than 20 kilometers. As per regional governor Oleh Synjehubov on Telegram, 11,000 people from the districts adjacent to the border have been relocated to safety.

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