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The Regret of the Old White Man: Comedy "Contra" in the First

A professor insulted a beginner student with Arabic roots racially. It's not the first incident. To save himself, he must prepare the woman for a debate competition.

Professor Pohl (Christoph Maria Herbst) speaks directly to Naima (Nilam Farooq).
Professor Pohl (Christoph Maria Herbst) speaks directly to Naima (Nilam Farooq).

Television - The Regret of the Old White Man: Comedy "Contra" in the First

It's a popular film theme: Two people deeply dislike each other but are forced to cooperate due to external constraints and learn surprising things about each other. This is also the premise of Sönke Wortmann's Comedy "Contra". The serious theme is presented in an entertaining and profound way. The cinematic hit of 2021 airs on Monday at 8:15 PM on First.

A cynical rhetoric professor subjects the student Naima to racist remarks in class and makes fun of her. To appease the disciplinary committee, he is supposed to prepare for a nationwide debating competition. A challenging endeavor, as both have strong objections to working together.

Inspired by France

The basis is the French film "The Brilliant Mademoiselle Neila", which came out in 2018. Daniel Auteuil played the role of the eloquent professor who makes Neila feel small due to her Algerian roots. For the Constant Film Production, this was an intriguing constellation they wanted to transfer to German relationships.

Instead of Paris, "Contra" takes place in Frankfurt am Main. Christoph Maria Herbst ("The Name") embodies the rhetoric professor Richard Pohl. For the role of the student, the choice fell on Nilam Farooq, known from films like "Du, Sie, Er & Wir" and as a long-term TV commissioner in the ZDF crime series "SOKO Leipzig".

For Naima, her law studies are a dream coming true. She wants to become a lawyer and hopes to offer her mother and brothers a better life through this. Finally, in Germany, she doesn't just want to be tolerated with residency permits! But then: "Punctuality still means something in my social circle", Professor Pohl throws at Naima when she arrives a few minutes late to class. Naima's classmates film Pohl's embarrassing performance, which soon causes a stir and shock in social media.

Reluctantly friends

After this painful experience, Naima doesn't want to have anything to do with the professor. However, she recognizes the opportunity that the participation in the debating competition offers, especially since she is rhetorically very talented. Pohl also initially has no interest in training the student, but sees no other way to avoid suspension. Reluctantly, they both agree to the joint training and learn surprising things about each other. Everything goes well until Naima discovers the real reasons for the professor's willingness to help: not conviction and remorse, but self-interest.

"Contra" comes with some clichés, but Wit and a fine sense for subtle tones make the Comedy worth seeing. The film shows entertainingly that it's not just the big things where racism and discrimination manifest. It's many small events, careless remarks, looks, behavior that exclude and hurt people. No "Well, I guess that wasn't meant" or "That wasn't what I meant" - the film takes a clear stance and makes it clear that every person has a dignity that should not be violated, not even as a joke.

  1. The television network First will air the critically acclaimed comedy "Contra" on July 15th, a compelling story inspired by French cinema.
  2. The film's premise is reminiscent of the popular theme where two adversaries, in this case, a rhetoric professor and his student, must cooperate despite their differences.
  3. Notably, the German production, "Contra," was influenced by the 2018 French film "The Brilliant Mademoiselle Neila," featuring Daniel Auteuil.
  4. The media in Germany has been buzzing about the film's timely topic of racism and discrimination, set in Munich rather than Paris like its French counterpart.
  5. Viewers in Germany can enjoy the compelling TV-View of "Contra" on July 15th, showcasing the prominent talents of Christoph Maria Herbst and Nilam Farooq.

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