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The possibility of anarchy and chaos in Gaza worries Blinken.

An unrealistic rebellion occurs.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (l.) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (l.) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The possibility of anarchy and chaos in Gaza worries Blinken.

Israel's battle against Hamas in the Gaza Strip continues to be troublesome with many civilian deaths. US Secretary of State Blinken expresses his disapproval of this, warning of potential armed rebellions.

The US government has slammed Israel's handling of the war, focusing on the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. Blinken forewarns that without intervention, there will be a prevalence of chaos, anarchy, and possibly, Hamas.

Speaking on US television, Blinken highlighted the importance of a better approach that would result in long-term security for all, not just in Gaza but throughout the region. Their approach includes honest communication amongst partners.

During questioning, Blinken asserted that both the US government and Israel agree that more civilians than terrorists have been killed in the Gaza Strip so far. This sentiment was previously expressed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who stated that 14,000 Hamas terrorists had been killed thus far while 16,000 civilians were also lost due to Hamas using civilians as human shields.

Questionable Procedures

In the interview, Netanyahu expressed Israel's deep regret over civilian casualties, while Hamas sees death as a strategy. Blinken criticized Israel's inability to consistently and efficiently apply policies to minimize civilian damage. Echoing this sentiment, a recent US government report noted the possibility of Israel violating international humanitarian law with weapons supplied by America in Gaza.

However, the situation in the war zone makes it difficult to draw definitive conclusions. When queried about the US's possible avoidance of holding Israel accountable for its actions, Blinken insisted that the US would treat Israel like any other nation, no matter the situation, even when it comes to evaluating adherence to international humanitarian law.

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The USA has similarly expressed concerns over Israel's actions during the war in the Gaza Strip, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging more caution to prevent escalation and chaos. This comes as Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, acknowledged the high number of civilian casualties and accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields.

The ongoing Israel war in the Gaza Strip has also prompted discussions about potential violations of international humanitarian law, with the US government reviewing its weapons supply to the region amidst growing concerns. Antony Blinken, in particular, has emphasized the importance of accountability and respect for international law in all nations, including Israel.

Moreover, the international community, including the USA, has repeatedly urged Israel to cease fire and de-escalate tensions in the Gaza Strip. This call for peaceful resolution has been echoed by numerous countries and organizations, highlighting the global concern over the ongoing Israel war in the Gaza Strip.


