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The musician has died at the age of 79

Mourning for Kinky Friedman: The country singer has died at the age of 79. He suffered from Parkinson's disease.

Kinky Friedman at a performance in Germany.
Kinky Friedman at a performance in Germany.

Kinky Friedman - The musician has died at the age of 79

Kinky Friedman (1944-2024) passed away. The Country singer, songwriter, and author, known for songs like "Sold American," was 79 years old. The artist passed away on a Thursday at his ranch in Medina, Texas, apparently due to the complications of Parkinson's Disease, according to the "New York Times."

"Kinky Friedman has ascended to a rainbow in his beloved Echo Hill surrounded by his family and friends," says an official statement released on his X-Account. Furthermore, it reads: "Kinkster suffered immense pain and unimaginable losses in recent years, but he never lost his fighting spirit and quick wit. Kinky will continue to live through his books being read and his songs being sung."

On Tour with Bob Dylan

According to media reports, Kinky Friedman's most significant work as a musician was his 1973 album "Sold American," which included the title track as well as the songs "High on Jesus" and "The Ballad of Charles Whitman." The singer also toured with music legend Bob Dylan (83), who is known to be a fan of Friedman.

Besides his music career, Kinky Friedman, who was born in Chicago in 1944 and grew up in Texas, gained fame in the 1980s through his novels. He wrote approximately 20 books, mostly detective stories. He also penned a column. Friedman made small appearances in films as well.

He ran for Governor

Additionally, Kinky Friedman was politically active. In 2006, the musician ran for the office of Governor of Texas. He may have lost the election, but he still received nearly 13% of the votes. Friedman is also reportedly friends with former US Presidents Bill Clinton (77) and George W. Bush (77). Both visited him at the White House.

  1. Kinky Friedman, widely recognized for his friendship with music legend Bob Dylan, joined Dylan on tour, showcasing their shared musical prowess.
  2. In addition to his successful music career and novel writing, Kinky Friedman found political fame in the 1980s and ran for the position of Governor of Texas in 2006, securing nearly 13% of the votes.
  3. In the wake of Kinky Friedman's passing, tributes poured in from various quarters, including the New York Times, which highlighted his enduring impact on the world of Country music and literature.

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