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The medicine helped her lose weight

For months, the world puzzled over how Oprah Winfrey lost so much weight so quickly. Now she admits that medication was also involved.

Oprah Winfrey has slimmed down considerably in recent
Oprah Winfrey has slimmed down considerably in recent

Oprah Winfrey breaks her silence - The medicine helped her lose weight

US talk queen Oprah Winfrey (69) has come clean. After months of speculation about her massive weight loss, she now admitted in an interview with "People" magazine that she had resorted to medication. Even now, she would still use so-called weight loss medicine to counteract the treacherous yo-yo effect.

"The fact that there is a medically approved prescription to control weight and stay healthy feels like a relief to me, like a release, like a gift, and not something I have to hide for and make a fool of myself for once again," Winfrey said. She no longer wanted to be ashamed of it in front of other people, but also in front of herself.

Winfrey, who has struggled with weight fluctuations for years and has repeatedly spoken openly about them, explained that she used to blame herself for being overweight. However, she has since realized that she has a predisposition "that you can't get under control, no matter how much willpower you have". The presenter did not reveal exactly what medication she was taking.

Hiking also helped Oprah Winfrey lose weight

Thanks to the weight loss medication, however, she only put on "half a pound" after Thanksgiving this year, for example, whereas last year alone she gained "eight pounds" after the holidays, i.e. almost four kilograms. She still hasn't reached her target weight of just over 70 kilograms, but she's not so much interested in the numbers.

For her, the whole thing is much more of an opportunity to "lead a more vital and lively life". The medication is just one element in a larger fitness and health program that she has imposed on herself. Oprah Winfrey wants to make it clear: "I know everyone thought I was on drugs, but I worked so damn hard." She knows that weight reduction doesn't work if you don't also work out and pay attention to "all the other things".

She currently walks five to eight kilometers every day, which has helped her a lot. At the weekends, she even regularly walks around 15 kilometers. "I feel stronger, fitter and more alive now than I have for years," Winfrey explains proudly.

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