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Prinz George went through an emotional rollercoaster in the last few years.
Prinz George went through an emotional rollercoaster in the last few years.

The Little Prince - great worries

George, eldest son of Princess Kate and Prince William, has had quite a lot to deal with lately. Therefore, the official photo for his 11th birthday on July 22nd shows how much the little prince has grown up in recent times.

Where has the time gone? Not so long ago, Prince George was running around in short trousers, more or less obediently in the hand of his royal parents, now he poses like a big boy in a neat suit and white shirt.

The official photo for his 11th birthday, released today by Princess Kate herself, shows her eldest son looking quite grown up. This doesn't surprise RTL aristocracy expert Michael Begasse. George has had to experience "a rollercoaster ride of feelings" in the last few years, which could have been quite formative for a young boy, Begasse explained to the Cologne broadcaster. "He felt the excitement for the old Queen at her 70th jubilee in the summer of 2022 and felt the sorrow of the people for his 'Gran Gran', when Elizabeth II. died a few months later. At his grandfather Charles' coronation as the new king almost a year ago, Prince George was a proud page for the King, whom he himself will one day succeed," the royal expert recalled events of the past that George is sure to never forget.

However, there was a message at the beginning of the year that could have significantly changed the carefree childhood of the little prince: his mother's cancer diagnosis. "Some kind of funny disease that naturally far exceeds the horizon of the little one. Cancer, that's what they call it, cancer! And Princess Kate surely told the birthday boy of today lovingly that everything will be fine, that the mother will be completely healthy again," Begasse is certain. He sees in Prince George today "an eleven-year-old who has experienced a lot in a short time and had to learn a lot."

"What a handsome young man"

Prince William and Princess Kate wished their eldest son a "very happy" 11th birthday on Instagram, and many of their followers responded with loving comments. Compliments were also given to the parents. "What a handsome young man. Well done, William and Catherine," writes a user in delight upon seeing the picture.

Another user, who was apparently surprised by the suddenly grown-up looking birthday boy, commented: "All my love for your birthday, George. We love you! But please don't grow up so fast!"

  1. Prince George, now 11, has grown quite significantly since his younger days, as evident in his new photo for his birthday shared by Catherine, the Princess of Wales.
  2. Posting on Instagram, Prince William and Catherine celebrated their eldest son's birthday, with many followers praising George's transformation and commending William and Catherine for raising such a handsome young man.
  3. With the British Monarchy undergoing significant changes, George has had an insightful journey, witnessing key events like the Queen's 70th jubilee, her passing, and his grandfather's coronation, shaping him into a young individual with a deep understanding of his future role in the British Monarchy.

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