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The legal separation has been finalized now.

The heated exchanges between Oliver Pocher and Amira Aly appear to be subsiding, as they have officially parted ways.

Amira Aly and Oliver Pocher have parted ways in marriage.
Amira Aly and Oliver Pocher have parted ways in marriage.

In the public feud following Oliver Pocher (46) and Amira Aly's (31) separation, a period of quiet might be on the horizon. As the comedian confirmed, their divorce is now final - approximately a year after their split was made public. He announced this on his Instagram post.

On a wedding photo of the former couple on the social media platform, Pocher commented: "As of today, Amira and I are officially divorced!" The comedian, as usual, couldn't help but add: "Sadly, I had thought it would last longer." (P.S.: The photo is not current.)

Pocher and Aly exchanged wedding vows in 2019. They announced their separation on their joint podcast, "Die Pochers!", during the summer of 2023. "It's time to inform the public," they stated. "We are separated. That's all." Since then, both parties have spoken out about the intense custody battle that generated numerous media headlines.

On the Podimo podcast "Die Pochers! Frisch recycelt," which Pocher co-hosts with his first ex-wife Alessandra Meyer-Wölden (41), he revealed, a few weeks after a divorce hearing, that the divorce was "not yet legally binding." The judge had decided that "nothing should go wrong now, and then this divorce will only be announced." It will be sent to both parties and their lawyers in writing at a later date.

Meanwhile, Aly had moved on from the last name Pocher. On her podcast "Liebes Leben" with her brother Hima, who is also on Podimo, she explained why she appeared as Amira Aly rather than Amira Pocher on a TV show, "Schlag den Star."

"I wanted to compete in this show as Amira Aly and win," she explained. "I'm really happy to have my name back. It just feels right." The name fits her perfectly, she feels "completely at ease" with it, and since then, "I also feel a bit reset." Aly now feels that "I'm doing something without being judged based on my private life."

Amira Aly mentioned her decision to compete on the TV show "Schlag den Star" under her original name, stating, "I wanted to compete as Amira Aly and win." After their divorce, Amira Aly no longer uses the last name Pocher on her podcast "Liebes Leben" with her brother Hima.

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