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The Kremlin seeks to eliminate the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations.

Could official recognition be next?

Die Taliban-Vertreter Abdul Salam Hanafi (l.) und Amir Khan Muttaqi unterhalten sich während einer...
Die Taliban-Vertreter Abdul Salam Hanafi (l.) und Amir Khan Muttaqi unterhalten sich während einer Afghanistan-Konferenz in Moskau im Oktober 2020.

The Kremlin seeks to eliminate the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations.

Right now, no nation has acknowledged the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan. Nevertheless, Russia has been working on better ties with the Islamists since they seized power in 2021. The Kremlin is now planning to go even further.

The Taliban, who are currently in charge of Afghanistan, shouldn't be labeled as a terrorist organization any longer, as per the Russian government's proposal. This joint proposal comes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice and is being deliberated with other ministries, revealed a senior diplomat, Samir Kabulov, speaking to state news agency TASS.

In Kabulov's view, the Taliban have come closer to being recognized as the legitimate government of Afghanistan by Moscow than they were during their brutal takeover in 2021. So far, no country has formally acknowledged the Taliban government. Western countries, for instance, wish for human rights and women's rights to be respected in the country before giving recognition. Some other nations, especially neighboring countries, are seeking a more pragmatic approach towards the Islamists.

In nations like China, Russia, Pakistan, or Iran, Taliban ambassadors have already resumed their work. Russia has emerged as one of the primary players in dialoguing with the Taliban since they regained control. Conversely, nations such as the United States are adopting a more cautious approach. Moscow, for instance, has also contributed to the release of frozen Afghan assets by the United States and its allies.

Representatives of the Taliban leadership were invited to a conference in Moscow in 2019, despite being classified as terrorists. It is expected that the Taliban will be taken off the terrorism list, as Lavrov and even Putin himself have suggested this possibility in the past.

Read also:

  1. Despite the international community not recognizing the Taliban as Afghanistan's government, Russia has been actively trying to improve relations with them since their takeover in 2021.
  2. Vladimir Putin's government in Russia has proposed that the Taliban should no longer be labeled as a terrorist organization, a suggestion that is currently being deliberated by various ministries.
  3. Russia, alongside countries like China, Pakistan, and Iran, has been one of the primary countries engaging in dialogue with the Taliban since they regained control of Afghanistan.
  4. In a move that could potentially redefine Taliban's international standing, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and President Putin have hinted at the possibility of removing the Taliban from the terrorism list, a step that was also discussed in a previous meeting between Taliban leaders and Russians in Moscow.




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