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The Inspector General declares proof of readiness for military action.

Along NATO's eastern border, the German army and its partners showcase how armored forces collaborate in combat, representing a "joint reaction to the significantly escalating danger from Russia."

Das Bundeswehr-Manöver Quadriga sende auch ein Signal an die Deutschen, so Generalinspekteur...
Das Bundeswehr-Manöver Quadriga sende auch ein Signal an die Deutschen, so Generalinspekteur Carsten Breuer: "Auf uns ist Verlass."

Military Protection Reform: Changes to Security Measures - The Inspector General declares proof of readiness for military action.

General Inspector Carsten Breuer affirmed the resolve to deter and defend as a part of the NATO alliance after concluding the multi-month Bundeswehr exercise, Quadriga 2024, in Lithuania.

"Quadriga is our contribution, it's our collective answer to the escalating threat from Russia," stated the highest-ranking German officer at the Pabrade training ground, where the 10th Panzer Division of the Bundeswehr partnered with others and engaged in 'sharp shooting' against attackers. The exercise concluded nearly at NATO's eastern edge, close to Belarus. "Here in Pabrade, Putin's sphere of influence is just 15 kilometers away," asserted Breuer.

The Quadriga 2024 exercise, which started months ago, is the largest Bundeswehr exercise in recent decades and a component of the NATO exercise 'Steadfast Defender.' The Bundeswehr trained on Lithuanian workout grounds to illustrate how to repel an attacker or surmount mines. Combat helicopters were also involved in the demonstration exercise.

Breuer pointed out that the exercise denoted the end of the first time all units of the 10th Panzer Division were enlisted in the simulated stages of peace, crisis, and war. "It worked." And: "We have shown that we, the allies, can defend ourselves and will defend ourselves. We have shown preparedness for war." Breuer implied that the Russian military would need five to eight years to organize an attack on NATO territories. For their military upgrading, this means "we need to be ready by 2029," Breuer said. "We have set ourselves this target and I see us on track for it."

Lithuania's Army Chief Valdemaras Rupsys conveyed a "notable month full of exercises, training, and exchange." He emphasized: "Collective defense and the presence of allies are the ultimate deterrents."

In response to the altered security predicament in Europe, the German government has commited to station a combat-ready and self-sufficient combat unit in Lithuania. The brigade is predicted to become functional by 2027. Planned is a lasting presence of about 4,800 soldiers and approximately 200 civilian Bundeswehr employees. The command post with around 20 soldiers reached Lithuania on April 8.

Recently, there had been speculation about whether the timetable for equipment and infrastructure could be accomplished. However, Lithuania's military believes the establishment of military infrastructure for the German soldiers at the training ground near Rudninkai close to the boundary with Belarus is on course. According to the infraestructure commander, Litauischer Oberst Rimantas Jarmalavicius, at a field tour, the roughly 40-hectare construction site should comprise several firing ranges and a significant area for combat vehicles by the end of 2027, as well as munitions depots and logistical zones.

Preparations for development are ongoing, and Lithuania would bear the expenses.

"We've just received approval from Germany for the infrastructure," Jarmalavicius shared, standing on a cleared field where barracks and recreation facilities for up to 5000 German soldiers and troops would be built. In his estimation, contracts with construction companies could be concluded in summer, and construction could begin at the end of the year. The expenses for this, which are yet undefined, will be covered by Lithuania.

The barracks will be situated inside a 170 sq. km forested area designated as a military training ground in May 2022 after the Russian invasion of Ukraine via a special law. Since then, trees have been removed, unexploded ordnance from the Soviet era has been cleared from parts of the area, Jarmalavicius mentioned. Roads have also been built and other construction preparations have been made.

Read also:

  1. In his remarks at the exercise's conclusion, General Inspector Carsten Breuer, a key figure in German defense, emphasized the importance of their role in deterring threats along NATO's eastern flank, specifically mentioning Russia's influence in Belarus, which is just 15 kilometers from the Pabrade training ground.
  2. Breuer acknowledged the successful participation of the 10th Panzer Division of the Bundeswehr in Quadriga 2024, the largest Bundeswehr exercise in decades, in partnership with other NATO allies, stating that they have demonstrated their readiness to defend NATO territories.
  3. As a result of this exercise, Breuer hinted at the need for NATO allies to be ready for potential attacks by 2029, emphasizing Germany's commitment to ensuring its preparedness and defense capabilities.
  4. In recognition of increasing security risks in Europe, Lithuania's Army Chief Valdemaras Rupsys commended the collaboration between NATO allies, emphasizing the role of collective defense and the presence of international forces as a critical deterrent.
  5. To reinforce its commitment to NATO's eastern flank and to demonstrate its readiness for defense, the German government announced plans to station a combat-ready and self-sufficient unit in Lithuania by 2027, with a projected force of around 4,800 soldiers and civilians.
  6. In line with these plans, Lithuania and Germany have collaborated to develop military infrastructure at a training ground near Rudninkai, with construction work anticipated to commence by the end of 2023, as announced by Litauischer Oberst Rimantas Jarmalavicius during a field tour.




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