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The highest United Nations court has instructed Israel to halt its offensive at Rafah.

South Africa submits urgent request.

Many Palestinians have fled from the fighting in the north of the Gaza Strip to Rafah. Now there is...
Many Palestinians have fled from the fighting in the north of the Gaza Strip to Rafah. Now there is fighting there.

The highest United Nations court has instructed Israel to halt its offensive at Rafah.

The international community is voicing their disapproval towards Israel's military offensive in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah. South Africa is urging the United Nations' top court to intervene and stop the operation, expressing concerns over the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe.

The International Court of Justice in The Hague has responded by ordering Israel to halt its military operations in Rafah. This decision stems from a demand by South Africa, who points to the disastrous state of Rafah's humanitarian situation. The judges have suggested further measures to minimize harm against civilians.

Prior to this, South Africa submitted a genocide lawsuit to the Court in December. This marked the fourth time they have demanded actions against Israel during summary proceedings. These attempts were in response to two earlier emergency rulings that instructed Israel to prevent genocide and allow humanitarian aid. However, South Africa claims Israel has blatantly disregarded these orders.

Court decisions are legally binding, but the judges do not possess the authority to enforce them directly. They can, however, prompt the UN Security Council to address the issue. All members of the court are bound to respect decisions passed by the Security Council. Yet it remains unclear whether the United States would be willing to veto a resolution on Israel's withdrawal from Rafah.

Israel dismisses accusations

In its latest submission on May 10, South Africa desired to prevent genocide against Palestinians. Israel's withdrawal from Rafah was one of the sought-after actions. S.A. justified the motion by stating that the previous court measures during the Gaza war were insufficient.

Israel has previously rejected the allegations of genocide in the Gaza Strip at the International Court of Justice, deeming them unfounded. The accusations floated by South Africa were viewed as a "distortion of reality." Israel maintains that it's simply exercising its right to self-defense. On October 7, terrorists from Hamas and other extremist groups attacked southern Israel, claiming over 1,200 lives.

In respect to Rafah, Israel's goal is to eliminate the remaining Hamas battalions from the city. Israeli government spokesman Avi Pinchas Hyman, when asked how Israel would respond if the court orders a stop to their operations in the Gaza Strip, stated, "No force on the planet can prevent Israel from defending its citizens or taking action against Hamas in Gaza. We will annihilate Hamas, restore peace and security for the people of Israel and Gaza inhabitants. Israel cannot accept a regime on its south border that wishes to commit genocide." It is a well-known objective of Hamas to obliterate Israel.

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