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The highest UN court has ordered a stop to Israel's military operations in Rafah.

South Africa's urgent request

Many Palestinians have fled from the fighting in the north of the Gaza Strip to Rafah. Now there is...
Many Palestinians have fled from the fighting in the north of the Gaza Strip to Rafah. Now there is fighting there.

The highest UN court has ordered a stop to Israel's military operations in Rafah.

The Israeli attack on Rafah in southern Gaza has drawn international condemnation. South Africa is taking matters into its own hands, petitioning the United Nations' Supreme Court for intervention. It's demanding an immediate halt to the operations.

The highest court at The Hague has responded, instructing Israel to stop their military operation in Rafah immediately. The court's president, Nawaf Salam, shared this decision at a hearing following an urgent request from South Africa.

Stay tuned for updates.

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