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The government looks forward to reaching an agreement with the EU regarding potential trade sanctions on battery-powered vehicles.

Ministry of Commerce in China Releases Statement

The background to the CO2 reduction is likely to be the sharp increase in newly registered electric...
The background to the CO2 reduction is likely to be the sharp increase in newly registered electric cars.

The government looks forward to reaching an agreement with the EU regarding potential trade sanctions on battery-powered vehicles.

China's Foreign Ministry urges a negotiated solution in the ongoing dispute with the European Union regarding potential anti-dumping tariffs on electric cars. The EU Commission must drop its ongoing investigation as stated in a press release on Thursday. Spokespeople from the Ministry of Commerce believe that tariffs are "unfair" and not in line with international rules. Economic and trade issues should be resolved through consultations, they added.

The announcement comes as the EU Commission weighs the possibility of imposing anti-dumping tariffs on Chinese electric cars, similar to actions taken by the United States. The US will raise their tariffs to 100% from August, citing the Chinese government's alleged subsidies for their manufacturers through high subsidies, giving them an unfair competitive edge.

Reportedly, the European Commission has postponed its decision on anti-dumping tariffs on Chinese electric cars until after the European elections. The new deadline is now set for June 10, according to a source close to the matter, speaking with news agency Reuters. This change was initially said to be due to a technical issue with the related document. However, "Spiegel" speculates that the delay is intended to avoid adding this issue to the election campaign.

The original decision was supposed to be made on June 5, well before the European Parliament elections, which run from June 6 to 9. When responding to the reports, an EU Commission spokesperson pointed out that the date of June 10 had not been confirmed.

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