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The frequency of extreme right-wing material is rising, according to a specialist.

"Despite higher levels"

Racism occurs even in the "best" families.
Racism occurs even in the "best" families.

The frequency of extreme right-wing material is rising, according to a specialist.

Casual slogans in the public sphere? No issue - societal standards are being broken without resistance, as per Pia Lamberty's observation. This phenomenon is widespread, even among the educated and those in leadership roles.

Pia Lamberty, and expert in her domain, noticed that the Sylt video featuring racist slogans is an indication of the normalization of right-wing extremist content in society. "There's no form of confrontation to break the social norms," she states, emphasizing her position as the Co-Managing Director of the Center for Monitoring, Analysis and Strategy (Cemas), a group that investigates radicalization trends and conspiracy theories online. "Individuals can demonstrate extremist rhetoric openly without reprisal."

The racist incident at a luxurious restaurant on Sylt sparked nationwide furore in Germany. In the shared video on social media, youngsters could be seen shouting "Foreigners out" and "Germany for the Germans" to the party anthem "L'amour toujours" by Gigi D'Agostino. Authority figures are conducting an investigation. In recent times, similar occurrences featuring Nazi slogans have taken place - such as in Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

"It influences the mind," Lamberty explains. The song "L'amour toujours" is now association with racist rhetoric more often. The extremists are effectively conditioning society to accept such slogans. Lamberty's sentiments are clear: "Right-wing extremism isn't an issue only found in the eastern parts of Germany or in lower-income communities, but also among the elite."

The foremost concern for Lamberty is the potential influence these individuals may possess due to their high rankings. The video displays: "Racism springs from people educated at universities or holding managerial roles." Right-wing extremism and bigoted attitudes are realities in every segment of society.

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