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The first women in London's private club

Judi Dench and Sian Phillips make history in a private club in London. They are the first women in the famous Garrick Club.

Judi Dench is the first woman, alongside Sian Phillips, to be admitted to London's Garrick Club.
Judi Dench is the first woman, alongside Sian Phillips, to be admitted to London's Garrick Club.

Judi Dench and Sian Phillips - The first women in London's private club

The Garrick Club in London, which has been men-only for 193 years, has admitted its first female members: Actresses Judi Dench (89) and Sian Phillips (91) were the first women to join, according to "The Guardian".

Honorary Members in Rapid Procedure

At the annual general meeting on Monday evening (1st July), the actresses were admitted as honorary members in a rapid procedure. They are making history as women were previously not allowed to join. Even to enter the building in London's West End, they had to follow strict rules. This required an invitation and the accompaniment of a man. Until 2010, they were not even allowed to enter the building.

In May, around 60% of the members voted to separate from these old rules and to admit women from then on, as "The Guardian" further reports.

The Oscar-winning actress Judi Dench joins the ranks of numerous prominent actors who are already members of the Garrick Club, such as Benedict Cumberbatch (47), Hugh Laurie (65), Brian Cox (78), and Matthew Macfadyen (49). Sian Phillips is best known for her theatre work. She was awarded a Tony Award for her role as Marlene Dietrich.

Rule Change in May

After the rule change in May, a whole series of women in leading positions were nominated as potential female members for the Garrick Club. Among them are news presenter Cathy Newman (49), former Home Secretary Amber Rudd (60), and classicist Mary Beard (69). The complex admission procedure can, however, take several years.

The rules of the Club state that the General Committee can elect four new members every year. Therefore, it is possible that by the end of the year, there will be four women among the approximately 1,500 members.

  1. The first women to break the 193-year-old tradition of the Garrick Club in London being male-only are honorary members Judi Dench and Sian Phillips, as reported by The Guardian.
  2. Sian Phillips, best known for her theater work and a Tony Award winner for her role as Marlene Dietrich, joined the prestigious Garrick Club in London alongside acting legend Judi Dench.
  3. During the annual general meeting on July 1st, Judi Dench and Sian Phillips were admitted as honorary members, following a rule change in May that allowed women to become members for the first time.
  4. Notable women in leading positions, such as BBC's Cathy Newman, former Home Secretary Amber Rudd, and classicist Mary Beard, are among the potential female members now being considered for admission to the Garrick Club.

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