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The fight against inflation is an important issue for many people

Inflation, climate change or energy supply? According to a survey, these are the most important issues for the German government in the new year.

For many people, the fight against rising consumer prices is one of the most important tasks
For many people, the fight against rising consumer prices is one of the most important tasks facing politicians in 2024.

Survey - The fight against inflation is an important issue for many people

According to a survey, the fight against rising consumer prices is one of the most important tasks for politicians in the new year. In contrast, the fight against climate change and support for Ukraine, which is under attack, are less important to citizens than before.

In a survey conducted by the Insa opinion research institute on behalf of "Bild am Sonntag", 57% stated that the fight against inflation is one of the most important issues that the German government will have to tackle in 2024. However, this figure is six percentage points lower than a year ago - inflation has fallen significantly since then.

55% of respondents also see the creation of affordable housing at the top of the traffic light government's to-do list - this figure has risen slightly (one percentage point) compared to the previous year. For around half of those surveyed, securing pensions and the energy supply are also very important.

Despite extreme weather and record temperatures, the fight against climate change is one of the most important issues for slightly fewer people - at 38%, it was four percentage points less than in the previous year. Support for Ukraine also fell by six points, with only 15% of respondents placing it on the government's list of priorities.

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