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The festive cuisine of the stars

From well-known classics to very personal favorites - this is what the stars are putting on their Christmas plates this year.

Christine Theiss swears by spaghetti at
Christine Theiss swears by spaghetti at

Christmas menu - The festive cuisine of the stars

Roast, raclette or sausages with potato salad - what do the celebrities serve on Christmas Eve? Christine Theiss (43) swears by spaghetti bolognese. "I cook it the day before so that it's really well done," she tells spot on news. "It simmers for 24 hours. Then the pot is in the middle and everyone helps themselves. It's just fun and the whole table is full and it's loud and there's laughter - I love Christmas," says the "Life Made Easy - The Biggest Loser" presenter happily.

These stars love it traditional

"Fondue and homemade potato salad" is what John Jürgens (59) is having. The son of music legend Udo Jürgens (1934-2014) celebrates "at home with my family and my mother". "We're a Christmas dinner team and have a relatively classic approach," explains singer Michael Schulte (33). "So a roast, a goose or roulades with brown gravy, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts and potatoes." Fellow musician Sasha (51) also loves a traditional Christmas. "This year we're having turkey with dumplings and red cabbage again." Similar to Ben Zucker (40). "Duck, red cabbage and dumplings" are on the table for the pop star. And "as much of it as possible. I love that."

For "Sturm der Liebe" star Dieter Bach (60), carp is the measure of all things. "We try a different variation of it every year on Christmas Eve." Series colleague Laura Osswald (41) is a little more varied. "I've already made so many different things. From boeuf bourguignon (French stew) to duck stuffed with pretzels to vegetarian. This year we'll probably have frittata soup with homemade beef broth and boiled beef with horseradish sauce and boiled potatoes."

Raclette is a tradition here

Lena Gercke (35) goes for raclette year after year. "Because it's simply a nice meal where everyone can be together and you have something to do for a long time and don't spend hours in the kitchen and then eat everything in ten minutes," says the model. "We celebrate the food and the time together. On the first day of Christmas, we either have goose or duck on the table."

Wincent Weiss (30) also has raclette every year. "And will hopefully continue to do so, that's the tradition," says the singer. "Another tradition for us is 'the colorful plate'. My grandfather always goes shopping beforehand and buys tons of sweets - a whole shopping cart full. He then makes a big colorful plate for each family. It's about three times the size of a normal plate with heaps of sweets on it, all beautifully arranged."

Italian, Brazilian, Polish

"Interesting Christmas traditions have developed in our family thanks to our Italian roots and the Brazilian influences of my sister-in-law Jana Ina," reveals food blogger Stefano Zarrella (33). "Jana Ina often enriches our festive meals with her culinary specialties. In Brazil, it's customary to eat turkey, rice and beans at Christmas, and she sometimes brings these dishes to our celebrations. A particular highlight is the coconut cake she bakes - I love it!" enthuses the 33-year-old.

At pop star Sonia Liebing's (34) place, "we have traditional Polish or Silesian food. You can't miss small dumplings called uszka, which are filled with sauerkraut and mushrooms. They are accompanied by beet and mushroom soup. Mushroom soup is a must on Christmas Eve."

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Christine Theiss enjoys serving spaghetti bolognese on her traditional Christmas menu, prepared a day in advance for a communal feast. John Jürgens prefers fondue and homemade potato salad, celebrating with family and mother at home. Michael Schulte and Sasha opt for roast or goose, while Ben Zucker chooses duck and dumplings for their Christmas dinner. For Dieter Bach and Laura Osswald, carp and its variations are a staple on Christmas Eve. Lena Gercke and Wincent Weiss look forward to annual raclette dinners and 'the colorful plate' tradition, respectively. Stefano Zarrella and Sonia Liebing incorporate Italian and Polish dishes into their festive celebration, honoring their family roots.




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