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the cooperation has ended after Trump's contribution

After an X-post about shots at Donald Trump, the rbb has ended its cooperation with Sebastian Hotz.

The rbb ended the collaboration with 'El Hotzo'.
The rbb ended the collaboration with 'El Hotzo'.

The Hotzo - the cooperation has ended after Trump's contribution

The rbb is parting ways with satirist and Fritz moderator Sebastian Hotz (28), better known on the internet as "El Hotzo." The Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg made this known on July 16. This is the rbb's response to Hotz's contributions on the X platform following an attack on former US President Donald Trump (78). The statements were not in line with the values of the state broadcaster.

"We are therefore ending the collaboration immediately and indefinitely"

During a campaign rally over the weekend, Trump, who was injured in the ear, was shot at. A visitor to the event was killed. Hotz, according to media reports, wrote on X after the incident that Trump and the last bus were unfortunately "just missed" together. He also reportedly stated shortly thereafter: "I find it absolutely fantastic when fascists die." This was later removed. Hotz currently has around 700,000 followers on the platform.

It has been decided to end the collaboration with Hotz for the Fritz radio format "Theoretically cool," the statement reads. Hotz will no longer moderate the format. This is a reaction to the posts Hotz made. "His statements there are not in line with the values that the rbb stands for," rbb program director Katrin Guenther is quoted as saying. "We are therefore ending the collaboration immediately and indefinitely and have informed the author accordingly."

  1. Despite being known as "El Hotzo" on the internet, RBB's decision to part ways with Sebastian Hotz, 28, was prompted by his controversial comments about former US President Donald Trump on the X platform.
  2. The cooperation between RBB and Sebastian "The Hotz" Hotz, renowned for his satirical work on Fritz, came to an end following responses to Trump's safety incident at a rally, which were considered inappropriate and not aligned with RBB's values.
  3. In light of Sebastian Hotz's controversial remarks regarding Donald Trump on the X platform, RBB, including its program director Katrin Guenther, made the decision to cease the collaboration with him and the Fritz radio format, "Theoretically cool," immediately and indefinitely.

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