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The concern about Lena Meyer-Landrut still holds among her fans

Within two days, Lena Meyer-Landrut had tocancel two concerts recently. The reason was her poor health condition, Her team, however, gave no further details. The topic had lately been her mental health.

Lena Meyer-Landrut goes openly with her depression
Lena Meyer-Landrut goes openly with her depression

Singer's concert cancellations - The concern about Lena Meyer-Landrut still holds among her fans

Concern for Lena Meyer-Landrut is great among the singer's fans. She had to cancel three concerts within just three weeks, two in the past few days. She was supposed to perform at the "Ansbach Open" on Sunday. But just before that, the shocking news came: "Unfortunately, Lena had unexpectedly fallen ill and had to cancel the performance with a heavy heart. She is under medical care." Her concert in Regensburg on Monday also did not take place, as they reported. Lena was not getting any better, they said.

Lena Meyer-Landrut talks about her depression

What exactly is troubling Meyer-Landrut is not known. A few weeks ago, there were reports of abdominal and kidney pain. Recently, the 33-year-old spoke about her psychological problems and her strategies for protecting herself in an interview with the Luxembourgish newspaper "Luxemburger Wort." She also addressed this topic on her new album "Loyal to myself." The reason for this is simple. "Because it's a part of me and naturally has some influence on the album. Good songs are created through extreme feelings. For me, depression is something completely normal and not sensational," said Meyer-Landrut.

After a longer absence, the ESC winner of 2010 approached live performances with mixed feelings, as she revealed in the interview. "I was really scared about it. I really hoped it would go well and wanted to let the time pass," she said.

Cancelled Concerts

Methods for protecting herself mentally, Meyer-Landrut has learned during her career. "I am constantly exposed to opinions from the outside and am therefore both praised and criticized. But I have learned a few methods over the years that help me: turning off my phone, going outside, having conversations with friends," so Meyer-Landrut.

The interview was conducted before Meyer-Landrut's summer concerts, as reported by "Luxemburger Wort," and before she had to cancel two concerts over the weekend. In a few days, on July 27, Lena was supposed to perform at the "Echterlive Festival." Whether the performance will take place is still unknown. "Keep an eye on the updates from the organizers," advised Lena's team to the fans.

Source: "Luxemburger Wort"

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  1. Despite her mental health strategies, Lena Meyer-Landrut had to cancel the "Echterlive Festival" concert on July 27 due to her ongoing health issues, leaving fans in anticipation for update from the festival organizers.
  2. Initially, Lena was scheduled to perform at the "Ansbach Open" on Sunday, but her unexpected illness forced her to cancel, causing disappointment among her fans in the area.
  3. Following three concert cancellations within three weeks, Lena's health status remains a concern for her fans and well-wishers, with hopes that she will recover soon and return to live performances after overcoming her depression.

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