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The Christmas card arrives by e-mail

Virtual greetings from Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: Surprisingly, their digital Christmas card has a connection to Germany.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan chose this shot for their Christmas
Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan chose this shot for their Christmas

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan - The Christmas card arrives by e-mail

A few days ago, Prince William (41) and Princess Kate (41) presented the photo for this year's Christmas card to the public. His younger brother, Prince Harry (39), and his wife, Duchess Meghan (42), have now also contacted their fans and sent their Christmas card by email, as reported by People magazine, among others.

Where are Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan's children?

Two things stand out at first glance: Firstly, Harry and Meghan cannot be seen with their children Archie (4) and Lilibet (2), and secondly, the two did not have their own photo snapped, at least for this public Christmas card. The picture chosen by the couple, who live in the USA, has a surprising connection to Germany. It shows Harry and Meghan at the closing ceremony during this year's Invictus Games in Düsseldorf.

"We wish you a wonderful holiday season," the digital Christmas card reads on behalf of Harry and Meghan's office, their Archewell Foundation and Archewell Productions. "Thank you for all your support in 2023!" The card also links to this year's "Impact Report" from the Sussexes' organization. The two had also published a video on the Foundation's website, in which excerpts from their charitable work can be seen. "We are committed to a simple but profound mission: Showing up, doing good," it said.

William and Kate, on the other hand, opted for a classic family photo. "Our family Christmas card for 2023," they commented on Instagram with a black and white portrait showing the two of them with their children Prince George (10), Princess Charlotte (8) and Prince Louis (5). King Charles III (75) and Queen Camilla (76) also shared their Christmas card with Instagram users. In the photo, the monarch and his wife can be seen at the coronation last May. "We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year," the royal couple wrote.

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