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The anniversary will be celebrated from today

December 1 and 2 are dedicated to "Galileo" on ProSieben. The knowledge show celebrates its 25th anniversary.

The three presenters Stefan Gödde (from left), Funda Vanroy and Aiman Abdallah are looking
The three presenters Stefan Gödde (from left), Funda Vanroy and Aiman Abdallah are looking forward to the anniversary of their show "Galileo", which will be celebrated on December 1 and

25 years of "Galileo" - The anniversary will be celebrated from today

"Galileo" is celebrating its 25th birthday - and with it Aiman Abdallah (58). The presenter has been with the knowledge show since its inception on November 30, 1998. Over the years, the format has "passed into his blood", he says, and believes that the show will be around for a "very, very long time". First, however, the anniversary will be celebrated extensively on December 1 and 2.

TV marathon for the anniversary

From Friday evening, ProSieben will be broadcasting a 25-hour "Galilee". It starts at 7:05 pm with a program on artificial intelligence. "We will bring our own AI-based, modern Galileo to life, a character based on our namesake Galileo Galilei. We will show how such a character is created and then use this character to show where the advantages and risks of artificial intelligence can lie," the broadcaster quotes the presenter as saying.

Abdallah and his colleague Stefan Gödde (47) will then present the prime-time special "25 Pictures - The greatest images from 25 years of Galileo" from 20:15. This will be followed by various "Galileo" episodes until Saturday evening - and a premiere: On December 2, there will be "Galileo Kids" for the youngest viewers from 6 to 10 o'clock. The finale will be the game show "Galileo Top Brain" from 7:05 pm, in which Joko Winterscheidt, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, Thore Schölermann and Matthias Killing, among others, will put their knowledge to the test. "One viewer also has the chance to win 25,000 euros," Abdallah announces.

It was not initially foreseeable that he would one day become "Mister Galileo". He was a rugby player, studied computer science and initially worked as a sports presenter. He was then able to combine his interests at ProSieben: "A lucky coincidence, or rather: I was apparently in the right place at the right time," says Abdallah. "Because he had originally applied for another format - and was then invited to another casting for "Galileo". "Little did I know that this day would change my professional life for so many decades." When the show started, the presenter was 33 years old. "In the beginning, the magazine was a TV show for the team and me. Today, you could say that 'Galileo' has passed into our blood. We are passionate about this show and I am delighted that we have been able to accompany so many people on their journey to adulthood."

Developed into a brand

The show has won several awards, including the Grimme Prize in 2010 and the German Television Award in 2017. Abdallah explains why it was able to survive for so long, while other formats were quickly discontinued: "Always keeping our finger on the pulse of the times is our motto. Just as society has changed, interests have changed, needs have changed, so have we and we have adapted our show accordingly." The format has become longer, can also be seen at weekends and there are many special programs. "Galileo" has "developed from an 18-minute program into a real brand," says the face of the first hour. Abdallah also believes in a rosy future: "I think 'Galileo' will be around for a very, very long time. We are already very well positioned, including on TikTok and YouTube. In the future, however, in addition to our classic long features and reports, we will certainly increasingly produce small 'knowledge snacks' that are tailored to the various social media platforms."

He himself will also remain involved in the format. He doesn't have any other dream shows: "I've already been able to do and try out so many things. In this respect, there is currently no real desire. But I'm happy to be involved in anything that bears the 'Galileo' label!"

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