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Krah (left, with AfD leader Tino Chrupalla) was elected as the AfD's lead candidate for the 2024...
Krah (left, with AfD leader Tino Chrupalla) was elected as the AfD's lead candidate for the 2024 European elections at the AfD party conference in Magdeburg in July 2023. His political positions were also known at the time.

The AfD has experienced a severe blow.

The scandalous interviews of Maximilian Krah, AfD's top candidate, about spying for China and propagating Russia have led to a distance from Le Pen's Rassemblement National (RN) and Meloni's government in Italy. Despite potential tactical reasons, this could indicate the end of the "Teflon effect" the AfD has enjoyed so far.

The AfD's federal executive board's hasty stripping of Krah's candidacy just before the European elections points to the immense internal turmoil the party is currently facing. Seeing that he was one of their own, the AfD's leaders were forced to react harshly, but had previously brushed off right-wing scandals as isolated incidents. Nevertheless, the party continued to see a rise in their poll ratings. Allegiances to the controversial party tested, it remains to be seen if the 'Teflon effect' will continue to hold.

The AfD's nationwide removal from the ultra-right group "Identity and Democracy" (ID) brings into question their prospects as a growing populist force. Despite the firm measures undertaken by party leaders Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel, the embarrassing situation could have an immense impact on the Euro-right's thirst for power.

Of particular interest is the position of Marine Le Pen's RN, divided between maintaining its far-right image and preserving its bourgeois reputation. The RN has long been annoyed by the AfD's controversial antics, and public reports regarding the "remigration" of naturalized migrants solidified their stance.

In an interview with "La Repubblica", Krah claimed that not every member of the SS (Schutzstaffel) was a criminal, triggering an outcry as the SS were responsible for killing millions of Jews and committing brutal war crimes in France, among other nations. RN head, Jordan Bardella, deemed this the final straw, as it breached a fundamental norm.

For Le Pen, the dissociation is vital, as she aspires to become French president in 2027. Not only has she given the previously named Front National a modern makeover, but she is also attempting to court the center. In contrast to her new ultranationalist persona, Le Pen supports Ukraine, while the AfD aligns itself with Vladimir Putin's Russia.

Meloni's government also takes a moderate approach, albeit with a few exceptions. Nevertheless, the need for caution remains for democrats.

The departure of these prominent figures from the AfD could signal a turning point in conservative politics, signifying a move away from the aggressive approaches of the AfD towards a more communal, understanding authority. However, whether this transformation will endure remains to be seen.

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