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That's why he dedicated a song to Cologne

Eko Fresh talks about his album 'Elijah', named after his son, his time on 'Sing meinen Song', and his hometown Cologne.

- That's why he dedicated a song to Cologne

Eko Fresh (40) released his album "Elijah" on August 9th. In an interview with news agency spot on news, the rapper talks about why he sings on his new album, why he named it after his son, and what he wants to convey through the title track. He also reveals why he dedicated a song to his hometown Cologne and how his participation in "Sing meinen Song" has influenced him.

You sing on your new album, not just rap. Why was that important to you?

Eko Fresh: I've always loved singing, I just never dared to before. Over time, I've become more open, and "Sing meinen Song" gave me that final boost of confidence. After that, I thought, "Well, the cat's out of the bag," so I decided to try it out on a full album.

Did you have any concerns about how the singing and your shift towards pop might be received by your loyal fans?

Eko Fresh: I'd call this album musically diverse, it's hard to pin it down to a specific genre - there's still rap on it. It's just a bit more musical, and I'm not worried at all. I've already established myself in rap, and this is just a new chapter, the third act of my life. I want to reach fans who, like me, have grown older, have families and jobs, and just want to listen to good music.

Your album is named after your son. Why did you dedicate it to him?

Eko Fresh: When I was thinking about a title, his name came to mind. He represents this phase of my life better than anything else, so it was the perfect fit.

What did he think of the songs, especially "Elijah"?

Eko Fresh: Elijah likes the album. He particularly likes the song "Aquarium" and the one about him - of course, I played that one for him. He seemed to like it, and he sometimes asks to listen to it in the car. It's the first time he's consciously noticed my music, and that makes me proud.

Does he have an interest in music?

Eko Fresh: Sometimes he comes up with a rhyme and says, "Dad, I've got a rhyme for you!" He even sang me a melody he made up recently. I think he's got talent and a sensitive artistic soul, like his dad. But I'd never push him to make music. I'll support him in whatever he chooses to do in life.

In the song, you sing, "You just have to keep going straight. Look beyond the horizon" and about "two hearts in one chest". What do you want to convey with this song?

Eko Fresh: I want to encourage my son to keep going straight and look beyond the horizon, just like I say in the song. Sometimes people can't imagine something and tell you, "You can't do it!" But I want to tell him in advance, "You can do it! Believe in yourself, don't listen to what others might say when you have a new idea." The "two hearts in one chest" is meant to help him understand his diversity as a strength, so he doesn't have to go through the same identity search as I did.

"Colorful Bridges" with Brings is a love letter to the Mühlheimer Bridge in Cologne. How has the city shaped your life, and what makes it unique?

Eko Fresh: I'm from Cologne and have made a lot of music there, I know the people, I've spent a lot of time there, shot many videos, and I just wanted to give something back because I also see it as my community. I identify as a Cologne native and thought, why not make a song that shows our positive city image? Especially in today's time, the negative aspects of society are often highlighted, and I thought it's time to say: No, look, I'm putting the positive in the foreground and celebrating our city, our colorful city with the colorful bridge.

You see yourself as a bridge builder and advocate for the next generation of people with a migration background, which fits perfectly with the song "Nation"...

Eko Fresh: With all the negativity shown in the social media world, I thought it was time. Especially as a bridge builder, I might be the right person to set an accent this year, to put the positive in the foreground and show how far we've really come. I personally notice that this sense of belonging is not just for me, but for many. The self-understanding that leadership positions in companies are diverse is growing. In film and television, in the entertainment industry, in politics, representation and diversity are given, and we've come much further than we were. I wanted to highlight that as well - instead of dividing, just unite. I took the opportunity to do so on this album.

On the album, you have other features, including your "Sing meinen Song" colleagues Tim Bendzko and Eva Briegel. How has "Sing meinen Song" personally changed you?

Eko Fresh: "Sing meinen Song" was definitely a huge experience for me that has shaped me and given me the courage to look beyond the horizon musically and think outside the box. For me, it was a matter of course to have the cast on the album. I was able to win Eva Briegel and Tim Bendzko for it, which I'm very happy about. The songs have turned out beautifully, and I will never forget that time in South Africa, so I will never forget the album either.

What were the most beautiful reactions to your "Sing meinen Song" participation?

Eko Fresh: The reactions to my "Sing meinen Song" participation were totally uplifting and very positive. Various people have approached me about it, and I'm really happy about that. Thanks to the universe for letting me be a part of it. It gave me a lot of strength and allowed me to reflect on myself in a different way. Just like I made my own story out of every song at "Sing meinen Song", I took that momentum into the album.

Releasing an album involves a lot of work. How do you balance family and work at the moment?

Eko Fresh: It's really not easy to balance family and this job, and I'm far from perfect, but I'm trying my best. Every day, I have to rethink things. It's a big challenge for me to decide which events I'll participate in or not, which days I'd rather be at home. Of course, I want to spend as much time as possible with my son and experience his childhood.

Eko Fresh incorporated singing into his new album, as he had grown more confident in his vocal abilities and saw it as a natural progression after participating in "Sing meinen Song".

The title track and album, named after Eko Fresh's son, aims to encourage him to believe in himself and pursue his dreams, conveying the message "Look beyond the horizon" and celebrating their shared "two hearts in one chest".

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