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Temperatures in 2023 were more than two degrees above the values from the reference years

German Weather Service

Temperatures in 2023 were more than two degrees above the values from the reference
Temperatures in 2023 were more than two degrees above the values from the reference

Temperatures in 2023 were more than two degrees above the values from the reference years

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the temperature in the record year 2023 was more than two degrees above the values from comparable years. This is according to the DWD's preliminary annual report published on Friday. The weather service had already announced in advance that the year was the warmest since measurements began in 1881.

The average temperature in 2023 reached 10.6 degrees for the first time and was thus 2.4 degrees above the value of the internationally valid reference period 1961 to 1990, as the DWD announced in Offenbach after initial evaluations. Compared to the current and warmer period from 1991 to 2020, the increase was 1.3 degrees. "Climate change is continuing unabated," warned Tobias Fuchs, DWD Director of Climate and Environment.

Warm and humid conditions with high levels of precipitation tended to dominate. According to the data, 2023 was the sixth wettest year on record. According to preliminary evaluations, the DWD recorded around 958 liters per square meter, more than a fifth more precipitation than in both reference periods. According to the data, the increase in sunshine was almost 15 percent (period 1961 to 1990) and around 5 percent (period 1991 to 2020).

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