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Taiwan reports invasion by eight Chinese fighter jets

Threatening gestures increased in 2023

Chinese C919 jets rehearse the flyover at Victoria Harbour in Hong
Chinese C919 jets rehearse the flyover at Victoria Harbour in Hong

Taiwan reports invasion by eight Chinese fighter jets

Airspace violations from China are now part of everyday life for Taiwan. Now the Ministry of Defense reports that eight Chinese fighter jets and one balloon have entered its territory within 24 hours.

According to a statement from the Taiwan Ministry of Defense, eight Chinese fighter jets and one balloon have flown over the middle line of the Taiwan Strait in the past 24 hours. The center line serves as an unofficial border between the two sides, but is regularly crossed by Chinese aircraft.

Democratically ruled Taiwan, which China considers a renegade province and its own territory, has pointed to regular Chinese military patrols and maneuvers near the island for four years. A new president will be elected on Taiwan on January 13. Relations with China are an important issue in the election campaign.

In the past, China has justified its military activities in the immediate vicinity of Taiwan as measures to prevent "secret agreements" between Taiwanese separatists and the United States. This protects China's territorial unity. Taiwan's government rejects Beijing's claims to sovereignty. Only the island's population can decide its own future.

Xi talks to Biden about "reunification"

Chinese President Xi Jinping told US President Joe Biden during the recent summit in San Francisco that Beijing would reunify Taiwan with mainland China. Only the timing has not yet been decided, US officials reported on Thursday, according to NBC News. Xi reportedly told Biden at a group meeting in November attended by numerous American and Chinese officials that China would prefer to take Taiwan peacefully, the officials said.

The Chinese head of state is also said to have referred to public predictions by US military officials. They had predicted that Xi wanted to take Taiwan either in 2025 or 2027. He explained to Biden that these predictions were wrong because there was no time frame yet. This is according to two current and one former official who claim to have been informed about the meeting.

The People's Republic's threatening gestures towards Taiwan increased in 2023 - in April, the Chinese army practiced encircling the island in a major manoeuvre. Although the USA does not support Taiwan's independence, it rejects any forcible incorporation by China.

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