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Tacitly married in Mexico?

A photo and more clues: Fans speculate about a secret wedding between Vanessa Hudgens and her fiancé Cole Tucker.

Vanessa Hudgens and Cole Tucker are said to be
Vanessa Hudgens and Cole Tucker are said to be

Vanessa Hudgens - Tacitly married in Mexico?

Did Vanessa Hudgens (34) get married quietly? A photo that has been circulating on social media since the weekend is fueling speculation about a marriage to her fiancé Cole Tucker (27). The picture shows the "High School Musical" actress in a white dress on a beach. An unknown man is standing next to her, but he is not her fiancé. It can be seen on various fan accounts of the actress. Vanessa Hudgens herself has not commented on the rumors.

Another clue for her fans: Vanessa Hudgens ' "High School Musical" colleague Monique Coleman (43) posted a story on Instagram at the weekend with a video from Tulum in Mexico. "Last morning in paradise," she wrote. It could have been the location of her co-star's wedding, according to some observers.

Engagement in February, bachelorette party in October

A wedding would not come as a surprise. Vanessa Hudgens finally celebrated her bachelorette party at the end of October this year. In February 2023, Cole Tucker proposed to her in Paris. In May, Hudgens spoke on Drew Barrymore's (48) talk show about the difficulty of finding a suitable location for a wedding reception.

The actress and the baseball player have been a couple for three years. The two met via Zoom during a virtual yoga session. Incidentally, Vanessa Hudgens recently revealed that she would take his name if she got married.

Read also:

  1. Despite the ambiguity in the circulating social media photo, many fans believe that the white-dressed woman could be Vanessa Hudgens, given that her high school musical co-star Monique Coleman was in Tulum, Mexico around the same time, hinting at a possible wedding location.
  2. If the rumors are true, Vanessa Hudgens' wedding to Cole Tucker would not be entirely unexpected, considering they have been engaged since February 2023 and she recently expressed her intent to take his last name if they got married.
  3. Amidst all the excitement, Vanessa Hudgens' high school musical colleague Monique Coleman had a bittersweet moment, sharing on Instagram a video of her last morning in Tulum, which some speculate could have been the location for her co-star's wedding weekend celebrations.


