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Sylt bar witnesses xenophobic visitors

"Severely unsocial conduct"

A classy crime scene: the noel restaurant Pony on Sylt.
A classy crime scene: the noel restaurant Pony on Sylt.

Sylt bar witnesses xenophobic visitors

Young people shout offensive racial remarks at a popular nightspot on Sylt during the Whitsun holiday. Bar owners condemn the incident and are taking legal action against those involved. Similar occurrences have been reported in Lower Saxony.

The proprietors of the "Pony" restaurant on Sylt, where several guests engaged in racist verbal attacks, are pressing charges. "If our staff had spotted such behavior at any moment, we would've acted immediately," the upscale establishment's owners shared on Instagram. "We would've contacted the police and lodged a complaint. We were able to do so since."

The people responsible have been identified and reported. "We don't condone this deeply anti-social behavior. We never have and we never will. That's why we're taking necessary measures against it." They're still flabbergasted and extremely upset. "Racism and fascism have no place in our society."

The bar owners note, "Sylt has always been a cosmopolitan place - despite its exclusivity! We never imagined this could happen. (...) In the future, we'll be even more vigilant against racism, fascism, and all forms of discrimination! Never again!"

Scholz is "shocked"

In a short clip circulated online just before Pentecost, young adults are seen and heard screaming racial slogans to the tune of Gigi D'Agostino's long-time dance hit "L'amour Toujours." They chant "Germany for Germans - foreigners out!" loudly and cheerfully. One man perform an action resembling the Hitler salute and seems to create a Hitler mustache with his fingers on his upper lip. None of the surrounding spectators show any disapproval or bother.

The domestic intelligence agency is probing the incitement and the use of unconstitutional symbols. Politicians spoke out in horror. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz called the slogans "disgusting" and "unacceptable" on Friday. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser told the Funke Media Group newspapers, "Anyone who screams Nazi slogans such as 'Germany for Germans - foreigners out' is a disgrace to Germany."

Racist slogans in Löningen

Sylt is not the only location where this type of incident happened. It was revealed on Friday that a similar situation occurred at Whitsun in Lower Saxony. Racist remarks were also hurled at Löningen's shooting festival, including to "L'amour Toujours," and the state security service is also investigating this case.

"Pony" is among the trendiest bars on the North Sea island of Sylt. According to "Bild" news outlet, attending the bar on the Whitsun weekend in question cost 150 euros just to gain entry - without counting any drinks. The club is a favorite haunt for many celebrities and popular among the offspring of well-heeled visitors.

Read also:

The incident of racist verbals attacks at the "Pony" restaurant on Sylt, where attendees also engaged in xenophobic behavior, has drawn criticism from Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who called it "disgusting" and "unacceptable." Similarly, in Lower Saxony, racist slogans were reported at Löningen's shooting festival, echoing the disturbing trend of intolerance and fascism, which Adolf Hitler once championed.




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