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Susanne Daubner shocked by resignation announcement

Susanne Daubner will give others the precedence. Not at the 'Tagesschau', but at the Youth Word of the Year. She has read out the nominees for the last time.

Susanne Daubner, the presenter of 'Tagesschau', has so far announced the Youth Word of the Year...
Susanne Daubner, the presenter of 'Tagesschau', has so far announced the Youth Word of the Year each year.

Youth Word of the Year - Susanne Daubner shocked by resignation announcement

Nominated for the title Youth Word of the Year 2024 are, among others: "Pyrotechnics", "Aura" and "Hell, no". This was announced by the presumably last "Tagesschau" newsreader, Susanne Daubner. However, the 63-year-old will not reveal who will win. In the future, the presenter would like to "happily let others have their turn" for the annual announcement.

"Why isn't 'Daubnern' on the list?"

"Let us know if you have suggestions," she urges the users as she announces her resignation on the X-portal of "Tagesschau". Since 2008, the Youth Word of the Year has been presented in the ARD news program.

In the current clip, the presenter reads out the other candidates for the Youth Word 2024 and jokes: "'Diggah' and 'Yolo' we've had enough of already. And why isn't 'Daubnern' on the list? 'Daubnern'. Doesn't sound bad at all."

Her dry to humorous announcements of the Youth Word have become cult moments of "Tagesschau" - like in 2021, when the newsreader from Halle an der Saale announced the word "Cringe" (Engl. to shrink back) and explained it as follows: "Cringe is the feeling you get when I say the following sentence: Digga, how cool is the Tagesschau when it uses youth words?"

Youth Word not for youth?

In recent years, however, the choice of Youth Word of the Year has often been criticized because the chosen words are not commonly used by young people.

"I'm not going to reveal who will win the Youth Word of the Year 2024," Susanne Daubner hilariously stated, joking about the exclusion of "Daubnern" from the list.

"I'm not necessarily concerned about the usage of the Youth Word among youth, but I'm just going to happily let others have their turn in the future."

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