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Susan Sarandon apologizes for speech

"Terrible mistake"

Sarandon's comments were heavily
Sarandon's comments were heavily

Susan Sarandon apologizes for speech

Actress Susan Sarandon also speaks at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in mid-November. Many found what she said inappropriate and hurtful. Now, after a long silence, Sarandon speaks out on Instagram.

Oscar winner Susan Sarandon has apologized for her anti-Jewish remarks during a pro-Palestinian rally in New York. In an Instagram post on November 17, the actress described her choice of words at the demonstration as a "terrible mistake".

Sarandon had said that Jews "get a taste of what it's like to be Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence". It had been her intention "to communicate my concern about an increase in hate crimes".

"This wording was a terrible mistake, as it implies that Jews were strangers to persecution until recently, when the opposite is true," Sarandon wrote. "As we all know, from centuries of oppression and genocide in Europe to the shooting at the Tree of Life in Pittsburgh, Jews have long been familiar with discrimination and religious violence that continues to this day."

Agency parted ways

Sarandon wrote that she had not intended to speak at the rally, but had been invited to the stage to say a few words. She was one of several activists "highlighting the urgent humanitarian crisis in Gaza and calling for a ceasefire" at the rally. The actress is also said to have joined the crowd in chants of "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free", which are classified as anti-Semitic because they question Israel's right to exist.

As a result of her comments, the leading Hollywood agency United Talent Agency, which had represented the actress since 2014, parted ways with her. According to media reports, several UTA employees had felt "extremely hurt" by Sarandon's comments.

Sarandon's apology on Instagram is her first post on the social media platform since November 20. In posts prior to November 17, she had referred almost exclusively to various pro-Palestinian protests around the world. "I will continue my commitment to peace, truth, justice and compassion for all people. I hope that we can meet each other with love and a willingness to engage in dialog, especially with those with whom we disagree," the 77-year-old concluded her message.

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