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Survey reveals CDU/CSU as dominant contender in EU vote.

The CDU/CSU has a clear lead in the European elections. However, who might be suffering losses?

Election posters of various parties in the Sachsenhausen district of Frankfurt am Main.
Election posters of various parties in the Sachsenhausen district of Frankfurt am Main.

Voting Processes - Survey reveals CDU/CSU as dominant contender in EU vote.

A recent survey predicts that the Union could emerge as the dominant force in Germany during the upcoming European election next week.

Conducted by infratest dimap for ARD-Deutschlandtrend, the poll showed that the CDU and CSU would garner 29% of the votes if elections happened on that Sunday. The SPD followed at 15%, while the Greens and AfD secured 14% each. The newly formed Left Party acquired 6%, with the FDP at 4% and the Left at 3%. The changes in the results were minor compared to a similar survey conducted in early May.

In comparison to the 2019 polls: The Greens dropped by 6.5%

The poll, claimed to be representative by WDR, included interviews with 1515 eligible voters from Monday to Wednesday. It should be noted that it's not a prediction but rather an indication of the current political mood. Participants were queried about their European election preferences. If an election happened the following Sunday, or if they estimated not participating in the election.

Comparing this poll to the last European election in 2019, the Greens saw the steepest decline. Back then, they had 20.5% - a figure that's 6.5 points higher than this year's survey. The AfD, on the other hand, managed to earn an extra 3% increase in votes.

The forthcoming week will see European citizens electing a new European Parliament. The Netherlands will kick off the process on Thursday. In most countries, including Germany, the voting will occur on Sunday. [#]

Read also:

  1. The FDP, with their 4% share, is slightly ahead of The Left in this year's survey for the European elections.
  2. The CDU and CSU, as the dominant contender in the EU vote according to the survey, could potentially influence the policies of the European Parliament.
  3. In the upcoming European elections, the AfD has managed to gain an additional 3% compared to the 2019 polls.
  4. Sahra Wagenknecht, a prominent figure from The Left, will likely not have a significant impact on the European elections based on the survey results.
  5. ARD-Deutschlandtrend, in collaboration with infratest dimap, conducted the latest survey regarding the European elections in Germany.
  6. The majority of eligible voters surveyed by ARD-Deutschlandtrend stated that they planned to participate in the European elections on Sunday.
  7. If elections were held next Sunday in Germany, the CDU and CSU would receive the most votes, according to a survey conducted by ARD-Deutschlandtrend.
  8. In an interview-based survey, the SPD secured 15% of the votes, placing them behind the CDU/CSU and The Greens in the European elections.
  9. The upcoming European elections in Germany will involve voting processes, with Berlin and other cities participating in the election on the designated Sunday.


