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Support from US-Stars

Many prominent figures have acknowledged Joe Biden's announcement that he will not run for the presidency with thankful words.

Barbra Streisand and John Legend (re.) reacted with many others to Joe Biden's (M.) withdrawal.
Barbra Streisand and John Legend (re.) reacted with many others to Joe Biden's (M.) withdrawal.

Joe Biden's withdrawal - Support from US-Stars

Following Joe Biden's (81) announcement of his retirement from the presidency, numerous prominent figures expressed their support and gratitude on social media. Biden made the announcement on Sunday (21. July) amidst growing criticism. Actress Barbra Streisand (82) on X (formerly Twitter) expressed her sentiments, stating, "Joe Biden will go down in history as a man who accomplished significant things during his four-year tenure."

"We should be grateful that he upheld our democracy," Streisand continued. Actor Mark Hamill (72) echoed similar sentiments on the messaging app, "Joe Biden has achieved more than any other president in our lifetime. He has returned honesty, decency, and integrity to the office after 4 years of lies, crimes, scandals, and chaos."

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis (56) thanked Biden on her Instagram account for his "leadership, grace under pressure, strength, and resistance." "Thank you, Mr. President, for leading with kindness, change, and class!" her colleague Melissa Joan Hart (48) commented.

Musicians thank Biden

Biden's announcement created significant waves in the music industry. Cher (78) on X stated that she had always supported the president, "whom I love, since we met in 2008." It pained her not to believe in his re-election: "I believe it's time to pass the baton."

John Legend (45) emphasized on Instagram that Biden had led the most consequential first term with genuine progress in his life. "I am grateful for the grace and patriotism he displayed in deciding to step down for the good of the country," the "All Of Me" interpreter added.

Support for Kamala Harris' candidacy

In the context of his retirement announcement, Joe Biden pledged his support for Vice President Kamala Harris (59) as the Democratic nominee. Actor Robert De Niro (80) expressed his approval in a statement to TMZ, "Joe Biden is stepping aside to make way for another Democrat who can become president, because there's nothing more important for our country than defeating Donald Trump at the ballot box."

Rapper Cardi B (31) celebrated her earlier endorsement of Harris as a better candidate in June. Ariana Grande (31) shared Biden's post endorsing Harris for the presidency on her Instagram Story and added a link to register for the November election.

  1. Despite the retirement announcement by Joe Biden on Sunday, the United States Presidential Election landscape remains focused on the prospect of Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee.
  2. The actor Sean Penn (61) also joined the chorus of support on Instagram, thanking Biden for his efforts and expressing confidence in Harris' ability to continue his legacy.
  3. Meanwhile, on Twitter, the music icon, Dave Grohl (55) from the band Foo Fighters, voiced his support for Biden's decision, stating, "Joe Biden has been an advocate for democracy and justice, and it's important for all of us to respect his choice to retire."
  4. In the realm of popular culture, the Star Wars actor, Billy Dee Williams (84), expressed his gratitude for Biden's role in promoting diversity and inclusion.
  5. On the other hand, the growing support for Harris has also sparked concerns about potential crime escalation during the transition period.
  6. Amidst the political discussions, the renowned US-stars like (name not provided) from the show Stranger Things have used their platforms to encourage voters to stay engaged and informed.
  7. As the focus shifts towards the upcoming US Presidential Election, Biden's retirement announcement serves as a reminder of the importance of advocacy and active participation in democracy.
  8. In the midst of these developments, the Twitter account "Joe Biden's Retreat" has emerged as a popular platform for discussions surrounding Biden's legacy and the transition to the new presidency.
  9. During this critical period, it remains essential for figures like John Legend, Mark Hamill, and Barbra Streisand to continue using their platforms to advocate for peace, unity, and a better future for the United States.

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