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Suit against dog stylist after death

Nicola Peltz Beckham is suing her chihuahua's groomer, blaming him for the death of her dog.

- Suit against dog stylist after death

Nicola Peltz Beckham (29) has filed a lawsuit making serious allegations against the dog groomer of her Chihuahua. The groomer allegedly treated the dog just before its death in June. According to "TMZ" and "People" magazine, Peltz Beckham is blaming "HoundSpa" salon and an employee for the death of her dog Nala. The lawsuit, which has been obtained by the media, details these claims.

Death reportedly two hours after grooming

According to "People", the actress claims that after a routine visit to the mobile dog salon on June 15, her dog returned "injured and in severe physical pain". Symptoms included heavy breathing, panting, and a pulsating chest. Two hours after the grooming, the dog died from its injuries. "TMZ" reports that Peltz Beckham is seeking damages and punitive damages.

The "Bates Motel" actress allegedly claims in the lawsuit that the employee has a history of "intentional and malicious abuse of dogs". Given that there have been multiple complaints against the groomer for abuse, she accuses the salon and its owner of "reckless and malicious behavior", according to "People".

Peltz Beckham and second dog suffer

After the grooming appointment, she took her dog to a nearby vet. The vet diagnosed that Nala's "tongue was blue, she had fluid in her lungs, and suffered neurological damage". Despite being given oxygen, the pet of the actor couple died.

Peltz Beckham has "suffered emotional distress" from witnessing the death. According to "TMZ", her second dog, Angel, has also been affected by the incident. He allegedly trembles and cries every time he is left alone.

"I can't bear it"

On June 16, the day after the incident, Peltz Beckham made her beloved dog's death public on Instagram. "She was my beautiful queen and stood by me for 9 years", she mourned. She also warned her followers: "Please be careful who you trust your dogs with, you never know what goes on behind closed doors."

In a statement obtained by "People" magazine, she said it "broke her heart" to read similar stories from fans. "I can't bear it. I'm outraged when I hear how often stories like Nala's happen", she said.

The actress wants to prevent similar incidents from happening again. "I've dedicated most of my life to rescuing dogs, and I can't in good conscience let this horrible act happen to other families", she clarified her motivation.

The 'intentional and malicious abuse' allegedly committed by the dog groomer, as mentioned in the lawsuit, caused 'emotional distress' to Nicola Peltz Beckham. Furthermore, her second dog, Angel, has been reportedly affected, showing signs of trembling and crying whenever left alone.

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