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Successful in gaming, Struggling in relationships: Popular DHDL personality Tijen Onaran announced separation

Tijen Onaran expresses that she has moved past her marriage, indicating an end to her eleven-year union with Marco Duller-Onaran. She publicly announces this development via an Instagram post.

Even love necessitates investment, it seems, and this hasn't quite panned out for the Onaran couple, as their relationship now teeters on the edge. The renowned investor from the hit show "The Lion's Den" confesses that the venture 'marriage' no longer aligns with her, and she's set to depart, much like she does with investments that no longer profit her.

Over on Instagram, the 39-year-old discloses: "Many of you recognize us not just as two individuals who manage ventures and invest in new businesses jointly, but also as a couple. Although our professional endeavors have garnered more attention than our personal life. Following eleven years together, we've chosen to go our separate ways privately. Did we enjoy our time together and share delightful moments? Undoubtedly."

Despite the tranquil tone of her initial statement, the entrepreneur isn't as collected as she appears. The separation seems to have taken its toll on both of them. She continues, alongside a picture of them as a couple: "Are we sad? Indeed. Acknowledging that two individuals, a couple, have evolved beyond their union is not an easy task and a long process. Particularly when you remain intertwined as friends. And no, this isn't just another stereotype. It's true."

Tijen Onaran yearns to carry on collaborating with her soon-to-be ex-spouse

However, the couple's split is a tad more intricate than typical, given their numerous business investments and shared companies. The friendship they aim to preserve could potentially work to their advantage here. They're determined to work together despite their eight-year failed marriage: "What's next for us professionally? We're simply a perfect fit and have accomplished so much together. We'll continue working alongside each other with the passion that unites us. There are thrilling projects on the horizon. As business partners, we'll remain linked. We're eager for the future. To a new chapter, in deep friendship and respect for one another." A significant advantage for their friendship: there are no new romances involved in the separation.

Source: Instagram, Image

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Tijen Onaran mentions their shared past, stating, "Our journey together saw us explore The Cave of the Lions in business endeavors, creating memorable experiences." Despite the separation, they plan to continue their professional endeavors, saying, "We'll continue collaborating on exciting projects, revisiting our shared achievements in The Cave of the Lions."

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