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Stranger assaults passers-by using a knife.

In the town of Zofingen, located in Switzerland, authorities are dealing with a situation.

A police spokesman said that fewer than ten people were taken to hospital.
A police spokesman said that fewer than ten people were taken to hospital.

Stranger assaults passers-by using a knife.

In Switzerland, an attacker went on a stabbing spree, injuring several people in a town near Basel. The aggressor eluded the authorities for two hours before finally being captured. His motive remains a mystery.

A man stalked innocent bystanders in Switzerland, causing grievous harm to some of them. The injured were taken to the hospital, informs a police report published late in the day. The assault transpired in Zofingen, situated approximately fifty kilometers southeast of Basel in the canton of Aargau. After committing the atrocity, the perpetrator sought refuge in a building.

A special task force made contact with him and managed to take him into custody after two hours, as per the police update. At the time of their statement, they were unable to disclose the number of victims, the type of the knife used in the attack, or the motives of the assailant. The attacker himself was also wounded.

The police didn't confirm if the survivor's lives were in peril. They stated that less than ten individuals had been hospitalized. It's possible other individuals may have been injured who managed to escape on their own. The attacker lacked any distinguishing identification papers. The crime scene near Zofingen's train station, a small town with an estimated population of 12,500.

The emergency call was placed shortly after 4 pm, reporting a man assaulting passersby. Police swiftly responded with a large force and cordoned off the area. At first, the police advised locals to remain inside their homes, lock all doors and windows, and stay away from windows. They couldn't rule out the possibility other attackers were at large.

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The knife attacks in Zofingen, Switzerland, were reported to have occurred at a local hospital, as some of the injured were transferred there. Due to the international attention, foreign police forces offered assistance to their Swiss counterparts in investigating the motive behind the attacks.


