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Strack-Zimmermann wants to deploy German Navy in the Red Sea

To protect against Houthi rebels

The Bab al-Mandab Strait lies between the east coast of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula
The Bab al-Mandab Strait lies between the east coast of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden, making it one of the most important shipping routes in the

Strack-Zimmermann wants to deploy German Navy in the Red Sea

Following repeated attacks by Houthi rebels, the German shipping company Hapag-Lloyd stops its container voyages through the Red Sea. FDP politician Strack-Zimmermann is therefore calling for the deployment of the German Navy to "stand up to the terrorists".

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, Chairwoman of the Defense Committee, is in favour of the German Navy's possible involvement in protecting freedom of navigation in the Red Sea. "We should support the navy protecting the ships together with international partners," said the FDP politician after the attack on a container freighter belonging to the German shipping company Hapag-Lloyd in the sea area.

It was "logical that everyone who depends on their goods being transported through the Red Sea should take part," Strack-Zimmermann continued. This also involved ships belonging to European companies. She demanded: "We must stand up firmly to terrorists of all stripes." The container freighter "Al Jasrah" was shot at and damaged in the strait between Yemen and Djibouti. The German government condemned the attack the day before and is already examining a request from the USA for the German Navy to participate in a mission.

A spokeswoman for the Federal Foreign Office said that the recent attacks on civilian merchant ships in the Red Sea and in the Al-Mandab Strait on an almost daily basis were completely unacceptable and represented a massive intrusion into the safety of international shipping. Most recently, Yemeni Huthi rebels attacked ships in the Red Sea. It was only on Thursday that German shipowners called on the German government and the EU to take protective measures.

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock condemned the attacks on cargo ships. "The Houthi attacks on civilian merchant ships in the Red Sea must stop immediately," demanded the Green politician during a visit to Berlin by Lebanon's acting Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib. The attacks also underlined "that the security threat to Israel comes not only from Hamas in Gaza, but also from the Houthis". They threatened international shipping and the freedom of trade routes.

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