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Strack-Zimmermann issues apology for insensitive analogy regarding autism.

Following harsh criticism directed at her, Strack-Zimmermann, the leading candidate for the FDP, modifies her language.

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, FDP top candidate for the European elections
Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, FDP top candidate for the European elections

Chancellor facing criticism. - Strack-Zimmermann issues apology for insensitive analogy regarding autism.

Just before transitioning to the European Parliament, FDP politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann stirred controversy with harsh criticism of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). "I've realized after three years that his behavior fits patterns of autism in both his social connections and his inability to clarify his actions to the public," she told the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" on Wednesday.

As a response, FDP European top candidate Strack-Zimmermann faced backlash from the SPD. She later retracted her statements and expressed regret.

"Olaf Scholz has dismayed me with his approach and his lack of communication, both which are harmful for our nation," the FDP politician commented on the sidelines of an event on Thursday. "I'm sorry for my careless comparison, hurting people with autism in the process. I apologize to everyone affected. I'm already reaching out to them personally."

Controversy over Strack-Zimmermann's vocabulary

Earlier, significant members of the SPD criticized the FDP politician's word choice. "It's getting noisy in talk shows, people are screaming and insulting away. And now, we're also witnessing the pathologization of the competitor," stated SPD European top candidate Katarina Barley to the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" on Wednesday. "This crosses a boundary in democratic competition." She expressed satisfaction that Scholz "ponders before making a decision and then acts responsibly," said Barley.

SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert described the situation as a "disrespectful psychologization of the federal chancellor." Individuals without solid arguments employ verbal degradation of their political opponent, Kühnert criticized in the "Rheinische Post." "It's been Strack-Zimmermann's method to attack other viewpoints using forceful vocabulary."

Strack-Zimmermann, who once served as chairwoman of the Defense Committee in the German Bundestag, represents the FDP as their top candidate for the European election. This event is scheduled in Germany on June 9th.

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