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Stoltenberg suggests allotting at least 40 billion euros annually to aid Ukraine.

Foreign ministers convene in Prague.

Stoltenberg proposes annual Ukraine aid of at least 40 billion euros
Stoltenberg proposes annual Ukraine aid of at least 40 billion euros

Stoltenberg suggests allotting at least 40 billion euros annually to aid Ukraine.

The NATO Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, recently suggested offering Ukraine at least €40 billion in aid each year to member countries. According to Stoltenberg, speaking at the close of the Foreign Ministers' meeting in Prague on Friday, Ukraine requires "long-term predictability."

This €40 billion figure matched the total amount raised by the allies since the Russian invasion in February 2022. He emphasized the importance of sustaining this level of assistance annually and for as long as necessary. Stoltenberg suggested sharing this responsibility equally among alliance partners.

However, this was a scaled-down version of his proposal back in April, on the occasion of NATO's 75th anniversary. At that time, he proposed a new Ukraine aid fund of €100 billion for the next five years, including providing weapons to NATO in case of a potential US pullout if Donald Trump won re-election. Unfortunately, Germany and some other countries expressed doubts about both the amount and the idea.

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